By Jan Hauser
Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food
A study published by the American Journal of Public Health says that those who are obese are doomed with a 1% or less chance or getting to a “normal” weight. With soaring obesity rates, this is grim news–that we TOTALLY disagree with!
At Personal Trainer Food we believe it IS possible to lose the weight and keep it off. We’ve seen it ourselves, and we’re on a mission to reverse those numbers!
Here are 5 surefire ways that you can get to your goal weight and stay there FOREVER.
1. Understand That Your Metabolism Isn’t Broken
We know that the recent research sounds scary, but remember, media and news outlets create stories designed to play on our worst fears. Many people think that their metabolism is broken, and have lost all hope of getting to a healthy weight.
But, if you look closely at what the study actually says, you will see something that should make you happy: this study is really confirming that reducing calories and increasing exercise as we have done over the last 50 years will fail 99% of the time.
That means there was nothing wrong with you when you couldn’t lose weight in the past. You aren’t broken, nor are you destined to be overweight for life. You have just been trying to lose weight the wrong way.
So if calorie restriction doesn’t work, what does? Eating the right foods, just like you are doing with Personal Trainer Food. See how this worked to help Chantal completely beat those odds:
Chantal started at 209 pounds, classified as “obese” on her 5’9″ frame, and the odds were stacked against her. To make matters worse, she was diagnosed with Lupus during her program and was put on medications in which she was expected to GAIN 30-40 pounds! But Chantal lost 38.4 pounds in 10 weeks, putting her in the normal range for her height.
A year later, Chantal kept the weight off and SURPRISE! She is now expecting a boy this winter; something she was told would not be possible. Chantal’s doctor told her to keep doing what she was doing with Personal Trainer Food. Congratulations, Chantal!
Would you like results like Chantal? Any of our 3 meal plans will help you too!
2. Do This One Thing & You WILL Kick Fat To The Curb!

What is the single most effective thing you can do to lose weight for good? Eliminate sugar and excess starches from your diet. We have seen this with thousands of people and the result is always the same.
When you cut the sugary sodas, breads, muffins, cereals, pasta, and potatoes and your body becomes a powerful fat-burning machine. The switch from storing fat to burning fat can happen very quickly– within a few short days with Personal Trainer Food. (Don’t believe us? Read on and check out the video below!)
Here is Personal Trainer Food CEO Mike Starks’ fail-safe advice for choosing the right things to eat:
Forget all the rocket science nutrition and workout methodology stuff. It’s simple… just eat meats, vegetables, eggs, cheese and nuts, and you will reach your ideal weight. Simple old-fashioned foods, like what we ate 50 years ago are the basis for long-term weight loss.
3. Try This Daily, Once A Week Or Once Every 28 Days…
Whether you have a long way to go to hit your goal weight or you need a little tune up once you are there, fasting is a useful tool for long term fat loss.
At the beginning of your program, fasting will help you overcome sugar withdrawals and shift into fat-burning mode faster. During your weight loss phase, fasting is the perfect remedy to plateaus. A little fast will help flip the switch back into fat burning mode. Once you are at your goal, fasting can help you if you feel sluggish or have noticed a little weight gain.
There are two ways you can fast. The first way is to do a 24-48 hour clear liquid fast. If the liquid is clear and has no calories in it, you can have it during that time. Tea, coffee, water, diet soda and broth are great examples of fasting beverages. Some people think that they will starve if they don’t eat food for that period of time, but anyone we have talked to who has done the fast loves the energy and empowerment they feel when they do it. You can do a clear liquid fast once a month or once a week.
The second type of fasting is called Intermittent Fasting, and is done overnight. Simply stop eating 12-14 hours before you eat your morning meal. The 12-14 hour fast overnight lets your body process the food you ate throughout the day so that when you get up in the morning you are already in fat-burning mode.
If you have questions about getting the most out of your program with fasting, call our Weight Loss Coaches at 1-800-273-1686 x4. They would love to talk with you! It’s not too late to lose weight this summer. With Personal Trainer Food, you can be beach ready in no time!
4. Your Must-Have Exercise Routine: 7/20/2000
Walk 7 days a week for 20 minutes, or a minimum of 2,000 steps each day. We know you are thinking “but that is too easy!”
Gym memberships have dramatically increased over the years, but so has our obesity rate. What is wrong with this equation?
Niki Thomas, Lead Weight Loss Coach has worked on many of our weight loss studies and has recorded how eating the right foods and a simple daily walking routine work together to help people lose weight for good.
Eating the right food is 90% of the battle. Exercise is only 10%. When people try to flip this around and do killer workouts in order to compensate for a bad dietary routine, the fat just keeps piling on… and so does the frustration.
Watch this video to see the results we see– huge results in just three short weeks of Personal Trainer Food. In the video, Niki and our team gather results from six brides-to-be in our 2014 Altered! Challenge. The only exercise they did was to walk every day. (You can even see Chantal’s results too!)
5. Use This Simple Secret To Keep Fat Off Forever…
There is one very interesting thing that the study on obesity failed to mention: what did the 1% do to get to a normal body weight? If you asked those people, they would probably say something like this:
I don’t know… I just try to eat right every day.
Well, that is what I would tell you if you asked me.
Having kept 100 pounds off for 15 years puts me in the 1%. I have my routine of selecting meats, eggs, and vegetables, skipping the carbs that made me obese. And I walk. Every day.
I wish I could tell you a more exciting story about my weight loss journey. I would be the life of every dinner party as people hang onto the details of my fantastic adventures battling the evils of obesity. But I admit it, my story is really boring. And that that is the secret.
Mike Starks nails it on the head when he says that fat loss SHOULD be boring. The way to lose fat forever is by establishing simple daily routines. It is like putting fat loss on auto-pilot. Isn’t that what you have always dreamed of? Never having to think about losing fat again?
Personal Trainer Food makes it easy for you to learn the same simple principles I have. The convenient foods delivered right to your doorstep along with the easy Guidelines help you to create healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.
P.S. I easily maintain my routines and a size 2 by keeping Personal Trainer Food in my freezer at home. You should too! Order yours today!
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Right now, you can save 30% on any of our weight loss meal plans. Personal Trainer Food delivers everything you need to lose weight– including a Weight loss Coach who will help you get your very best results.
Enter SAVE30 in the promo code box when you check out. You’ll also enjoy fast, complimentary shipping right to your door.
Get started now — and get the RIGHT foods you need to lose those stubborn pounds.
About the Writer: 100 pounds ago, Jan knew what it is like to be obese, unhappy, and stuck. She has spent the last 17 years as a fitness writer, trainer, yoga teacher, and Weight Loss Coach. Today, she’s proud to be a part of the Personal Trainer Food team so she can continue her goal to help others live their fullest lives possible. Email [email protected] if you have any questions!
Offer applicable for 30% off any of our meal plans. Use code SAVE30 at checkout to receive offer. May not be combined with other offers.
Weight loss results not guaranteed and are based on various factors. Copyright © 2024 Personal Trainer Food, All rights reserved.
Curse your Personal Trainer Food program. I always loved chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies and made the mistake and had one the other day. I have lost all desire for cookies and don’t even mention donuts.
Lost 50+ lbs . so far and on my 3rd food order.
Hi Mike!
We totally understand what you are saying! Isn’t it funny how your taste can change– and you find yourself enjoying broccoli more than sweet things? We hear that all the time!
Congratulations on your weight loss! That is fantastic progress, keep up the great work!
It would really help if Starbuck’s made a sugar free Chai Latte or Sugar free black tea mango lemonade. Guess I’ll have to tinker and make my own! Tried the Starbucks version today and it’s way too sweet!
Hi Dena,
You are absolutely correct. There are only a handful of drinks available at Starbucks that are not loaded with sugars. There are many sugar free syrups on the market. I’m pretty sure that you could find chai and mango online!