Butter, eggs and steak, oh my!
You instantly made a bad association to the foods listed in the sentence above, didn’t you? Put them all together and you get an artery-clogging heart attack bomb, right?
It is that deeply ingrained reaction which prompts many people to ask us why we allow unlimited meats and eggs on our program.
For the last 60 years or so, we have lived in an environment where fat is BAD—and that conclusion is dead wrong.
Dr. Kummerow*, author of Cholesterol is Not the Culprit, has spent nearly 80 years studying lipids, cholesterol, and heart disease. He was the first researcher to find out which fats actually clog arteries. Saturated fats like those in real butter, eggs and lard are not to blame for clogging arteries! Let’s all say this out loud: LARD doesn’t clog arteries!
The real culprit? What Kummerow calls “a diet of sudden death”: excess trans fats and sugars from processed foods.
If you read ‘partially hydrogenated oil” anywhere on a food label, you are looking at trans fats. Check your kitchen cabinets right now to see where the trans fats are! You will find them in foods such as potato chips, crackers, popcorn, french fries, cookies and donuts.
What does eating higher amounts of Trans fats do to you?
It increases your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and at the same time lowers your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. This is effectively a double-whammy to your health! Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke and is associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Wait… what? Isn’t type 2 diabetes associated with eating sugar? What’s the connection?
Along with a slew of recent studies, a Time Magazine cover story states that refined sugars, carbs, and processed foods are damaging our health..
When we became afraid to eat fat, food manufacturers started removing healthy saturated fats from foods. When you take fat out of food it tastes horrible. To fix this, manufacturers added in a bunch of sugar. By now, most people recognize that sugar leads not only leads to diabetes, but it is also associated with obesity, heart disease and inflammatory disease.
There is the evil combination: sugar and trans fats together in processed foods. Eaten together as you would in a potato chip, cracker or piece of cake, the negative effects of each are magnified. And your health suffers because of it!
By eating Personal Trainer Food, you are eliminating excess sugars and trans fats from your diet. You are also further eliminating trans fats and sugar by following our Guidelines.
The ironic beauty of Personal Trainer Food is that unlimited meats and eggs will not only make you healthier, they will make you lose fat too!
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