Are you thinking about going to your local health food store to see if there is something you can take to help burn fat faster?
Find out which supplements will work for you with this quiz:
- Do you keep your wads of useless cash by your garbage can, just in case you feel the need to throw them away?
- Does the thought of having the jitters, anxiety, and constant itching make you giddy?
- Is your closest friend and confidant a commissioned salesperson at your local supplement store?
- Is your breakfast of champions 28 giant pills washed down with a chalky shake?
- Does your definition of living on the edge involve taking mysterious pills that may not actually contain anything listed on the label?
- Is your wallet literally begging you to spend your hard-earned cash on ground up rice and houseplants?
- Is Soylent (otherwise known by the cheery name “The End Food”) your idea of a lavish meal?

If you answered NO to any of the questions above, you can skip the over-priced supplement store on your way home. It will save you money and could save your health.
So what CAN you take to burn fat safely and rapidly? Open your freezer.
We can’t give our recommendations sexy names like “Stingray,” “Calorie-b-gone,” or “Burn Fat Like You are On Crack.” They don’t feature rice flour and they won’t cost you your first born. (Sorry to disappoint those of you who answered “YES” to any of the questions above!) Our fat burners go by more delicious names like “Angus Burger,” “Broccoli,” “Almonds” and so on. Any item you find here will help you burn the most fat possible.
Eating Personal Trainer Food is an even wiser move…
Last February, the New York State attorney general’s office asked GNC, Walmart, Walgreen’s, and Target to stop selling fraudulent supplements, demanding that they be removed from the shelves.
The reason? Investigations found that some of the popular store brand supplements didn’t contain the ingredients the labels claimed they did! You might have literally spent your cash on a capsule of rice flour. A few of the supplements tested at those major retailers contained unlisted ingredients like peanuts and soybeans which are hazardous to people with allergies. (Ironically, those supplements were labeled “wheat and gluten free.”)
This isn’t new to the supplement industry. Fat burners and other supplements have been found to be spiked illegally with steroids, contaminated with unwanted ingredients, mislabeled, and in dosages that are not what is listed on the label.
Worse, many fat burning supplements contain multiple ingredients; some easily have up to 30. The interaction of those ingredients with each other is poorly understood and could possibly be toxic. In an effort to lose fat faster, many people combine different supplements, potentially multiplying the toxic interactions.
There are no shortcuts to burn fat that come in the form of a pill, powder or potion. Eating Personal Trainer Food will give you the fastest, healthiest and safest results possible!
This is a case of abuse, but still: