If you’ve ever watched a Victoria’s Secret fashion show, you have probably wondered how the Angels get those amazing bodies.
What do they eat? How do they exercise? What could you do to be more like one?
Here’s your guide to becoming your own angel.
How Do You Get a Body Like a VS Angel?
There’s no argument– these women’s genetics have much to do with their lean, lanky frames. In order to be an Angel at all, they must stand at least 5’9″ tall and their waists measure no more than a tiny 22-24 inches.
They also need to be below 18% body fat. That’s pretty low for most women, but it is classified as ‘Athletic.’
Here’s a good image to help you visualize what that looks like, both for your body and how those models look on the stage.
What to Do If You Don’t Have Those Genes
Ok, so maybe you’re like me and didn’t even make the height requirement for this ride (thanks Grandma!) …but watching the fashion show had you inspired to be your best self.
Before we go any further, let’s be clear: your best self is unique to you, and has nothing to do with looking like a model or anyone else for that matter.
The real question here is what do you want to achieve with the genes you have? To be leaner? Stronger? Curvier? Sexier? More confident? Healthier? A certain body % from above?
Those are all good goals, and as long as you approach them in a healthy and realistic way, you can’t go wrong.
Victoria’s Secret Angel’s Diet and Exercise Routine
The best way to learn something is to seek out the pros. When it comes to diet and exercise, elite athletes, bodybuilders and even super models can give us insights into what works (and what doesn’t).
So let’s see what we can learn from the Angels.
At about two months leading up to a big show, the Angels follow surprisingly similar plans.
There are 5 basic principles they use to achieve their goals.
Let’s go over those– along with what you can do right now to apply each principle to your life.
1. Stress
Most people use stress as a fuel– but over time, caffiene, anxiety, and constant panic will cause you to gain weight.
What the Angels do
The run up to any big event, especially a career-defining fashion show is absolutely filled with stress.
But as busy as they are with shows, photo-shoots, and travel, they always make the time for themselves.
Even if they have to get up a little earlier, they find time to spend with their kids, walk the dog, exercise, meditate, get massages or facials.
What you can do
Manage your response to stress by making yourself a priority.
Are you exercising like you want to? Are you skipping healthy meals so you can get your project done? When was the last time you took a relaxing bath? Schedule it into your calendar if you have to.
The more you take care of yourself, the better you will handle all other things that are stressing you out. In turn, you will lose more weight (hullo stress-eaters, I’m talking to you!).
2. Hydration
Your body is about 65% water. Every cell requires it. Dehydration is a form of stress at the cellular level that prevent you from looking and feeling your best.
What the Angels do
Those Angels are drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, and probably more.
They know that when you’re dehydrated, it’s harder for your blood to circulate oxygen and remove harmful waste products that wreak havoc on your system.
Being properly hydrated is also critical to keeping their skin and muscles smooth and full.
What you can do
How much water have you consumed today?
No, really– pure water. Not coffee water!
If you don’t have a bottle of water next to you already, get to it.
Having a hard time getting all your water in? Flavor it with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime. Or use a non-caloric flavor enhancer like Crystal Light or Mio.
3. Sleep
There is plenty of evidence that getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night puts you at risk of gaining weight.
What the Angels do
You’d think that they’d be out partying like rock stars, but Angels strive to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
Getting enough sleep is critical to recover from their exercise routines so they can work out again the next day.
They know that you lose weight and build healthy lean tissues as you rest.
And besides, they can’t afford to look puffy and tired on the runway.
So no matter what their schedule looks like, they don’t skimp on sleep.
What you can do
When you adopt a healthier diet by eliminating sugar and junk foods, you’ll find that it’s much easier to get a good night’s rest.
Another way to get more rest is to keep your weekend hours the same as your week-days.
The reason?
When you stay up late and wake up late 2 days a week, it’s like moving through a few time zones. You essentially jet-lag your body. That’s why Mondays can be so hard to overcome.
If you keep a regular schedule, you’ll find that getting 7-8 hours of sleep in (and losing weight) will be easier.
4. Exercise
Dialing in just the right amount of exercise primes your system to release fat without losing muscle.
What the Angels do
Angels eat well and work out year-round. But as show-time approaches, they exercise up to four hours a day.
It’s a pretty intense schedule, but not unlike what many athletes engage in to hit their peaks.
How do they stick to this grueling routine? They LOVE their exercise.
What you can do
Choose a baseline exercise program you like to do and know you can stick to every day without burning out, like walking 20 minutes during your lunch hour.
After that, add in more sessions focused on exercise that you love to do– for yourself. Do you live to run? Are you curious about trying a pole dancing class? Need to use that Barre Groupon? Go for it.
That will keep you from burning out.
5. Diet
A healthy diet is essential not only to their figure, but also their skin, hair, and radiance.
What the Angels do
A few months before the donning their wings for the show, the Angels follow a high-fat, high protein, and low-carb diet.
They eat plenty of chicken, fish, beef, and eggs along with tons of non-starchy veggies. Anything with sugar, including fruit is out.
And alcohol? It’s definitely out.
About two weeks before the catwalk, the Angels will start reducing the vegetables in their diet, focusing on protein and fats. They have as much as two tablespoons of fat or oil each meal.
This might surprise you, but they are eating fat to lose fat.
Angels know that eliminating fat halts fat-burning. They also know that without it, also they’d have no energy, their skin would look dry, and their faces would appear gaunt under the lights.
Note: this is not a long-term eating method; it’s a strategy to get a very lean look. Once they are done with the show, they return to a more balanced diet that includes healthy complex carbs from veggies again.
What you can do
Eat well throughout the year to build a healthy baseline.
That establishes your happy point where you can maintain a weight you where feel great without much struggle.
For most people, that means eating a diet based on protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. It might not keep you catwalk lean, but like the Angels in their off-season, it will keep you realistically and naturally lean.
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More Popular Resources for You
Everything you need to know to lose weight quickly is here.
Get the straight facts about weight loss here.
Browse all our fitness articles.
All our low-carb recipes can be found here.
Gif: Giphy.com
Images: Shutterstock
About the Writer: 100 pounds ago, Jan knew what it is like to be obese, unhappy, and stuck. She has spent the last 17 years as a fitness writer, trainer, yoga teacher, and Weight Loss Coach. Today, she’s proud to be a part of the Personal Trainer Food team so she can continue her goal to help others live their fullest lives possible. Email [email protected] if you have any questions!
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I am 80 yrs old, I did 1 month of personal training diet and lost 10 pounds. I am trying to flollow the diet and eating very little sugar. I am losing but very slowly. . I might order the 2 week program when it goes on sal.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us! Like they say, slow and steady is the way to go.
Have no doubt in yourself– you are doing great, girl!
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Hi Diane,
You are such an incredible inspiration. Overcoming eating disorders and weight issues is a really, really big deal.
I want to thank you for having faith in yourself to reach your goals and find peace and beauty in your body and yourself.
You deserve to be the best you possible!