After just 8 weeks of Personal Trainer Food, Avelino made an amazing weight loss transformation. He lost a shocking amount– over 50 pounds. That’s more than 20% of his starting body weight.
But something happened when we tried to share his weight loss transformation on Facebook: we were blocked!
You be the judge. Is Avelino’s transformation story too much for social media? Read on to see for yourself.
First: Is Avelino For Real?
Yes, Avelino is for real, and he’s a really nice guy. Here’s Avelino’s original email and actual pictures he sent to our team asking us to consider him for the RECON weight loss challenge.
In the Army, Avelino was a lean machine, but his GI Joe waistline disappeared under 100 pounds of ugly fat!
Like many of us trying to keep up with the demands of civilian life, Avelino humbly admits that his diet defaulted to whatever was easiest to eat.
A dedicated father and husband, Avelino had been putting everything and everyone else first, and his health was suffering.
His Big Weight Loss Transformation with Personal Trainer Food*
You can see how awesome he looks today, and watch him celebrate life and his RECON 2015 victory by taking a leap out of a perfectly good airplane.
How to Defeat a Deadly Diet
In today’s world, you must beware of the “default diet.” What is that?
It’s the fast food window, the chips in the pantry, the sweetened energy drinks, and the empty starchy calories.
It’s the diet that will kill you because you are too busy to think about what you are eating.
Avelino was able to defeat his default diet with Personal Trainer Food and so can you. No matter how busy he got, no matter what other responsibilities he had to tend to in the day, he could combat the default diet with the right foods—ready to eat.
And that was 90% of the battle. The rest of his weight loss transformation was easy.
But Then He Went to the Doctor…
8 weeks and over 52 pounds later, life completely turned around for Avelino. He has a ton of energy, is doing more, getting more done—and better able to take care of his dear little family.
But the other day, he came by with some paperwork from his doctor. Before starting Personal Trainer Food, Avelino had his blood work done. The results revealed what eating a default diet of the wrong foods does.
His numbers were all pointing in the wrong direction, towards HIGH RISK.
Before Personal Trainer Food, his bad (artery-clogging) cholesterol was too high and he was “pre-diabetic.”
And the Doctor Said…
After showing us the original pre-diabetic numbers, Avelino grinned like a poker player with an ace up his sleeve. He then handed us a completely different set of test results! But this test was done at the very end of his challenge.
What did the doctor say? See for yourself what we can’t put on social media because the transformation these numbers show would be “too outrageous.”
Your health and well-being can’t wait– change your default diet to Personal Trainer Food today.
Here Are More Reasons For Facebook to Flag Us
Ironically, even after losing over 52 pounds, Avelino didn’t lose the most weight during our challenge. He won by losing the highest % of his initial body weight—a calculation that evens the playing field between larger and smaller competitors.
By the end of 8 weeks, all 10 RECON challengers posted up real weight loss results that we can’t advertise on social media. They lost 33.8 pounds on average. This is real transformation success that other weight loss companies can only dream of– but we see EVERY DAY with Personal Trainer Food.
It’s crazy. People like you call and write in to us all the time and tell us about your transformation success stories on our program.
Even women, who struggle to lose weight on other plans have reported weight loss results that are as fast as some men’s.
Need proof? Check out how three men lost 50 pounds in one week here. And how Mary lost 27 pounds in 3 weeks here. See how 10 people lost weight, one woman lost 18 pounds in 28 days here.
Here in the office, we aren’t surprised when we hear your transformation stories– because we know how effective Personal Trainer Food is. And yet because of all the trickery from other companies in the diet industry we aren’t allowed to publish those results on social media.
Full disclosure: Avelino was given free food and prizes for his participation in our RECON Challenge in exchange for his success story.
That’s the power of real food.
It’s the power of Personal Trainer Food. Get your outrageous transformation results today.
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Right now, you can save 30% on any of our weight loss meal plans. Personal Trainer Food delivers everything you need to lose weight– including a Weight loss Coach who will help you get your very best results.
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More Popular Resources for You
Everything you need to know to lose weight quickly is here.
Get the straight facts about weight loss here.
Browse all our fitness articles.
All our low-carb recipes can be found here.
About the Writer: 100 pounds ago, Jan knew what it is like to be obese, unhappy, and stuck. She has spent the last 17 years as a fitness writer, trainer, yoga teacher, and Weight Loss Coach. Today, she’s proud to be a part of the Personal Trainer Food team so she can continue her goal to help others live their fullest lives possible. Email [email protected] if you have any questions!
Offer applicable for 30% off any of our meal plans. Use code SAVE30 at checkout to receive offer. May not be combined with other offers.
Weight loss results not guaranteed and are based on various factors. Copyright © 2018 Personal Trainer Food, All rights reserved.
Awesome post.What i need exactly i got here.Thank you for sharing.