Everyone talks about how important sleep is. But judging from the way we huddle over our coffee mugs in the morning, nobody is getting enough quality sleep. Learn some surprisingly simple tips that will help you sleep better tonight! Aside from feeling groggy in the morning, sleep deprivation negatively affects EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. To name just a few... your mood … [Read more...]
10 Time-Saving Tricks to Get Your Workout In
What's the No. 1 excuse for not working out? Lack of time. Sure, we're all busy handling multiple priorities and rushing around from here and there every day. But no matter how busy you are, someone even busier than you are is working out right now. If you look closer, you'll discover that you do have the time to work out—and you deserve to use that time for y … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Bacon is Healthy!
It’s salty, smoky and sweet and is now undergoing a massive culinary explosion the world over. When paired with a meal, it enhances the dish. We are talking about bacon, of course! Its taste is legendary but it has always come with warning signs. However, this mouth-watering meat has numerous health benefits and can prove to be a good addition to your diet. Here are 5 reasons w … [Read more...]
Walking is Exercise for Your Brain
Is walking part of your regular routine? If it is, then not only are you benefiting your waistline, you are doing your brain and memory a favor. There is mounting evidence that regular walking benefits the brain health of adults. Now that it's finally starting to warm up and you've got your freezer loaded with Personal Trainer Food, you may be thinking about dragging yourself … [Read more...]
5 Facts to Settle the Great Egg Debate
With new research coming in every day, the great debate about how healthy eggs are for you is finally coming to an end. The results may surprise you! #1 The Truth About Heart Attacks Contrary to popular belief, there is no link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs can actually prevent blood clots, strokes and … [Read more...]
PTF + You = The Biggest Winner
The Biggest Loser. It is the classic fairy tale story of transformation and living happily ever after, and it is fascinating to watch. But former contestant Kai Hibbard is speaking out about the show's troublesome weight loss tactics. For 16 seasons, 700 million viewers a week have been tuning in to root for their favorite "Losers." They do killer exercise routines while … [Read more...]
Eating right to prevent the afternoon binge
Have you had more than 'just one' Christmas cookie or candy today? It might be time to make over your morning meal, finds a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Here's how you can prevent mindless snacking and weight gain. How High In Protein is Your Breakfast? Researchers from the University of Missouri tested the breakfast habits of 20 overweight … [Read more...]
Eggs for Breakfast? What You Need to Know
If you are trying to lose weight, does it really matter what you eat for breakfast? Which will help you burn more fat in the morning: cereal, toast, eggs, or yogurt? Let's put it to the test! Here's your menu, pick one... Breakfast A: two eggs, and some toast with jelly (339 calories). Breakfast B: a bagel with cream cheese along with some yogurt (340 calories). I'll help … [Read more...]
Time To Teach Healthy Habits
The month of September is known for many things. There's International Country Music Day, Butterscotch Pudding day, Punctuation Day, Happy Cat Month, National Honey Month, and National Shake Month just to name a few. But did you also know that September is also officially National Childhood Obesity Month? Childhood obesity is a serious topic. So serious that it deserves an … [Read more...]
Wrongfully Accused
Butter, eggs and steak, oh my! You instantly made a bad association to the foods listed in the sentence above, didn't you? Put them all together and you get an artery-clogging heart attack bomb, right? It is that deeply ingrained reaction which prompts many people to ask us why we allow unlimited meats and eggs on our program. For the last 60 years or so, we have lived in … [Read more...]
17 Calcium-Rich Foods Better At Burning Fat Than Milk!
Some people are surprised that our Weight Loss Guidelines recommend avoiding milk and most other dairy. That surprise immediately turns into a concern that without milk, they may not be getting enough calcium. This is completely understandable since milk and dairy advertisements leave us with the impression that dairy is the only calcium-rich food out there. But this isn't … [Read more...]
The Cookie Diet Review: Worth a Try?
So you want to lose weight without giving up all your favorite things. That's why you're considering the “Cookie Diet.” America loses it's mind: WEIGHT LOSS COOKIES? YES PLEASE! Really, who doesn't like a good cookie? But the question is, will it actually work? The most popular cookie diets are the Hollywood Cookie Diet, Smart for Life diet, and Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet. Sa … [Read more...]
The Top 8 Stories of 2015, According to a Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist
By Shane Allen Personal Trainer Food Certified Weight Loss Specialist, Sports Nutritionist and Personal Trainer As the year comes to a close I want to reflect back on my favorite health and fitness-related stories of 2015. We're constantly bombarded in the headlines with studies that conflict one another. These only add noise and confusion to understanding what truly is and … [Read more...]
Back to the Future: How Dieting Has Changed From 1985 to 2015
By Shane Allen CPT, WMS, CSN Today is October 21, 2015—that magical day we’ve all been waiting for when Christopher Lloyd takes Michael J. Fox“Back to the Future” (part 2.) There’s just one problem. Look around. There are no flying cars, no auto-lacing sneakers and no hover boards that actually hover. It seems we’ve been slacking on the creation of cool things for our self-pro … [Read more...]
I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here’s How.
by Shane Allen Certified Weight Loss Specialist, Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist “I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How.” Great headline. Sad story. Journalist John Bohannon has revealed he duped the entire world earlier this year into thinking you could lose weight by eating chocolate. In a well-written post, Bohannon explains how he wa … [Read more...]
Study: Blame Sugar & Carbs for Obesity
We woke up this morning to a published medical study that did not surprise us: Sugar and carbohydrates are the cause of obesity and diabetes. We’ve been saying this for years. The British Journal of Sports Medicine report1 says you should be eating protein and not worrying so much about fat to cut your risk of diabetes and other health problems. The study’s authors, sports s … [Read more...]
Which Fat Burner Supplement is Right for You?
Are you thinking about going to your local health food store to see if there is something you can take to help burn fat faster? Find out which supplements will work for you with this quiz: Do you keep your wads of useless cash by your garbage can, just in case you feel the need to throw them away? Does the thought of having the jitters, anxiety, and constant itching … [Read more...]
The Food You Are Eating Is Altering Your Mind
It may sound like a great sci-fi movie, but did you know that the bacteria living in your belly are affecting your thoughts right now? There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating a surprising connection between sugar, your gut, and your brain. Gut bacteria manufacture neurotransmitters which are the chemicals that regulate your mental processes such as learning and mood. … [Read more...]
Stealth Health: Healthy Food that Looks like Unhealthy Food
Company Creates New Bundt Cake Chicken. Looks like Bundt Cake, Filled With Chicken! Fort Worth, Texas (April 1, 2015) - PersonalTrainerFood.com continues to change the way Americans eat and lose weight with their new unconventional, but highly effective product introduction: Bundt Cake Chicken. It looks like a bundt cake, but is actually chicken! Pictured to the left, Bundt … [Read more...]
Calling All Dallas/Fort Worth Brides-To-Be!
We need your help! Do you know any brides in the Dallas Fort Worth area who would like to participate in this year’s PTF Altered! challenge to win up to $10,000 in cash and prizes while losing weight? You may have heard about our 2014 Altered Challenge in which we helped 6 brides-to-be lose weight to look great for their big day. Their results were nothing short of a … [Read more...]
We Hate to Say We Told You So!
Every cell in your body needs cholesterol. You cannot function without it. But cholesterol is bad because high levels of cholesterol cause heart attacks, right? The truth is that cholesterol in food makes little difference in the cholesterol in your blood. Cholesterol in food gets broken down and discarded or used by your body. The cholesterol in your blood is made by your … [Read more...]
The Truth in Weight Loss, Part 2
As a nation, we are overweight, yet we are one of the most nutritionally educated countries in the world. Is it possible that we have learned the wrong things? Say it isn't so! For the past 30 years, the experts have suggested the following: exercise more, eat less, count calories, avoid fat, eat whole grains, eat fruits. America has done exactly what the ‘experts’ have told us … [Read more...]
Kick the Sugar Habit for Good — Join Personal Trainer Food!
Fort Worth, TX – Now more than ever, Americans are eating and drinking themselves to death with sugar. As obesity, diabetes and heart disease rates, are sky-rocketing, Personal Trainer Food, a pioneer in eliminating sugar from our diets has decided to raise awareness about how sugar is killing us. Mike Starks, CEO of Personal Trainer Food has personally researched the reason … [Read more...]
Walking Every Day: What’s Your Excuse?
It's too hot! It's too cold! I have no place to walk. I need a new pair of shoes! So. Many. Excuses. Enough. One of the top reasons people don't get the results they want on their program is because they are not doing their 20-minute walk. Are you? No, honestly, are you getting them in EVERY DAY? 100-year-old Sarah Stenberg is doing her walking routine, and if you aren't … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Weight Loss Confusion
It's January 2014, diets and diet products are all over television and internet. There are so many new pills, and products being advertised it makes your head spin. Many have terms like 'Fast Start' or advertise the secret weapon in the form of a 'proprietary' shake, but only if you “ORDER IN THE NEXT 5 MINUTES!!!" One such commercial goes on and on with how it helps you to l … [Read more...]
Bariatric Surgery for Two-Year Olds?!
Obesity surgery at two years old… Really? As parents, our children are our #1 priority. As a father myself, three years ago I did a short reality series on childhood obesity. I worked with seven kids under the age of 13 to see if our Personal Trainer Food program could help them lose weight. Two of the female children at 13 years old weighed in at 270 pounds. Their parents w … [Read more...]
Should You Drink Protein Shakes?
If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes in any gym in America, you’ve heard people discussing protein supplements. Perhaps you’ve even been part of the conversation. Perhaps while sipping on a protein shake, you were talking about your favorite protein to your protein-loving friend who was about to buy a big spanking-new jug of the latest and greatest protein...while they sipped o … [Read more...]
Celebrity Weight Loss Rumors…
In 2013, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s aide revealed that the Governor had weight loss surgery. Long the subject of late night talk show jokes, the Governor said the surgery had everything to do with his health and family. But many speculated that Christie had the surgery in preparation for his 2016 political aspirations. Did he or didn't he? Like it or not, the r … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Weight Loss Gadget?!
The WWW is filled with articles about all the latest health crazes and weight loss technology. Gadgets of all sorts are offered to help us get a six-pack and slim thighs in just minutes a day. But this Ultimate Weight Loss Gadget literally takes the cake. Yup. What you are seeing in the image is correct. It's a personal stomach pump that sucks food from your stomach through … [Read more...]
Are You Thinking About Lipo for Weight Loss?
Many people think ...daydream, even... that if they could just get the fat sucked out of them they could carry on with life just as they did before-- but thinner and better-looking. It's a tempting thought! Who wouldn't want a shortcut to a lean, sexy body? How Liposuction Got It's Start What we know today as "liposuction" actually dates back to the 1920's when French … [Read more...]
HCG Diet Review: Does It Really Work?
Unless you've been living under a rock, there's no doubt you have heard about the HCG Diet. It has become amazingly popular in the last few years as a weight-loss "solution." The acronym "HCG" begs to be explained in order to understand how it is sold as a weight loss solution. So let's talk about what it is, and if it's right for you. HCG is an acronym for Human Chorionic … [Read more...]
The NYC Soda Ban: More Laws to Lose Weight
If all had gone according to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plan, March 12th 2013 would have been the last day for super-sized beverages in New York City. It's known as the "soda ban," in which Bloomberg's proposed legislation would have put a cap on the size of sugary drinks available for sale in the city. If it hadn't been struck down, restaurants, fast food joints, pizza … [Read more...]
Earth Day: the Surprising Connection to Your Waistline
It's Earth Day! A day when hybrid cars, recycling, and reusable shopping bags come readily to mind. All good things to help save the earth! But there is another surprising thing you could do that would have a huge, positive impact on our planet: losing weight. The Physics Weight Loss and Saving the Earth The more we weigh, the more force it takes to move us around. That's … [Read more...]
The Truth About Kobe Beef: Worth the Price?
Have you ever had Japanese Kobe Beef? Think again. The only way you could guarantee that you have eaten Kobe Beef is if you have gone to Japan. Why? Up until just a few years ago, you could not buy Japanese Kobe beef in this country. No matter how much money you spent. Kobe beef in America has been one of food's biggest scams on diners. Even if your favorite waiter at the up … [Read more...]
Extreme Wedding Day Weight Loss- How Far Would You Go?
Pre-wedding dieting is nothing new. In fact, the desire to lose weight for that dream wedding dress makes the Top 5 Things to Do for the big day. But unfortunately, many women procrastinate and wait until the very last minute. And then they take shortcuts. Crazy, desperate, and gross ones-- like sticking feeding tubes up their noses! Yuk! The New York Times reported … [Read more...]