Here's a great collection of sugar-free low carb cocktail recipes that will keep your party going! Redefine the Art of Partying Step into the world of guilt-free indulgence as we invite you to reimagine your next party with a refreshing twist. This trend is taking social scenes by storm – low carb, sugar-free, non-alcoholic virgin mocktails. Vibrant flavors that not only t … [Read more...]
13 Sneaky Health Foods that Actually Create Fat
Can Health Foods Make Fat? Everywhere you go, you see foods marketed as good for you. But are they also good at helping you to burn fat-- or will these health foods make fat? The answer will surprise you! Check out these 13 sneaky "health foods" --and learn what to eat instead. 1. Sushi Sushi rice tops the list of all the rices in its ability to put fat on your body because it … [Read more...]
Lunch Ideas and Food Hacks
Here are easy low-carb lunch ideas and food hacks that will save your sanity, time, and money (as well as your waistline). Use these tips to prep lunches for yourself at home, school, or the office! 1. Leftover Sauce is Great for Little Dippers Don’t toss that little bit of salad dressing, spaghetti sauce, mustard or mayonnaise! Transfer it to a small container with a lid i … [Read more...]
WIN at The Super Bowl Party! Here’s Your Playbook…
Well, Super Bowl weekend is almost here! All football fans will be glued to the TV, chefs will be in the kitchen, there'll be parties and festivities going on... Whether you're cheering for the 49ers or the Chiefs, we want you to be healthy, we don't judge! So, take a look at the tips below to maintain the Personal Trainer Food plan by making healthy choices. 1. Stick … [Read more...]
Awesome Super Bowl Sunday Munchies
Try these awesome Super Bowl munchies-- whether your team wins or loses, they won't make you want to toss the scale into the trash Monday morning! Bacon Jalapeno Deviled Eggs Ingredients: 6 eggs 2 pieces of cooked bacon, finely chopped (leave some pieces behind for garnishing) ¼ cup mayo 1 tablespoon minced jalapeño (leave some pieces behind for garnishing) ⅛ teaspoon smoked pa … [Read more...]
The Secret to Unlocking Fat From Your Body
No doubt you've heard this fat loss calorie myth: "calories in, calories out." It's wrong. But you can’t fool the laws of thermodynamics, right? Well… actually, your body can. Your body fat plays by a different set of rules than what the calorie myth suggests. Once you learn how to work with these rules, you literally hold the key to trigger fat loss from your body. Just as … [Read more...]
How to Have a Drink and Stay at Your Goal Weight
Are you interested in minimizing weight gain, but still enjoying an occasional drink? You'll definitely want to stick with low-carb alcohol. It can get a little confusing, especially because labels aren't required on many alcoholic drinks. We've listed out the best low-carb alcohol choices, including beers, wines, and mixed drinks to help you stay slim and healthy... First: … [Read more...]
4 Reasons You Should NOT Start a Diet
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food #1 Diets Become Moral Dilemmas The moment you announce to the world that you are on a DIET, your brain does a funny thing. It starts judging everything as either 'good' or 'bad.' Counting calories is 'good.' High-fat is 'bad.' It doesn't take long before weighing yourself to track progress is 'next to godliness' and eating … [Read more...]
Visceral Fat & Diabetes: Reducing Belly Fat
Noticing a little extra fat around your waist? That's a clear warning sign -- belly fat, or visceral fat means that your body is sounding an alarm you shouldn't ignore. Doing so will increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even more weight gain. Arm yourself with the knowledge to understand the problem with belly fat, and what you can do to get rid of it as quickly … [Read more...]
Healthy Memorial Day: Low-Carb BBQ Guide
Memorial Day signals that summer is finally here! Here's what to eat and what not to eat so you can enjoy yourself, rock the latest swimsuit trends, and have a healthy Memorial day with a low-carb BBQ celebration... Healthy Memorial Day Main Courses: The easy part! Of all the holidays, having a healthy Memorial day BBQ is the easiest because... well... BBQ!!! You can … [Read more...]
Show Mom Some Love– How to Give her the Gift of Time!
by Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food What is the number one reason for not doing the things you really want to do? “I don’t have time.” It’s not surprising; we all have a lot on our plates. Lack of time is the reason why your to-do list never ends, limiting you from doing more enjoyable things each day. For mom, the woman who does it all, this is especially t … [Read more...]
Meal-Timing Tricks to Get More Sleep
Everyone talks about how important sleep is. But judging from the way we huddle over our coffee mugs in the morning, nobody is getting enough quality sleep. Learn some surprisingly simple tips that will help you sleep better tonight! Aside from feeling groggy in the morning, sleep deprivation negatively affects EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. To name just a few... your mood … [Read more...]
What’s Your Weight Loss X-Factor?
What's your motivation to lose the extra pounds? Everybody is different and has different reasons. Call it the X-factor if you will, and everyone has an X-factor even though they may not realize it. From going to a class reunion to a medical wake-up call, X-factors are personal and important to each person. For some, it can be as simple as wanting to fit back into their old … [Read more...]
17 Mouthwatering Food Swaps to Kill Cravings and Shed Pounds
Are you missing some of your favorite foods like noodles, pizza, and chips? Here are 17 low carb food swaps to help you get your fix, satisfy your cravings, and still lose weight. (And surprise... these low carb food swaps taste as good or BETTER!) We've included plenty of easy recipes that you can make in just minutes, too. Instead of Noshing on Nachos Dive Into a Plate of … [Read more...]
How I Kicked my Family’s Fast Food Habit
by Erika Smith Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food From baseball practice to hockey games, and all the way back across town for drum lessons—I am a very busy mom of three boys. Like so many other moms during the after school or weekend shuffle, what to cook for dinner is usually the last thing on my mind. I have always been a very health-conscious person. When my kids w … [Read more...]
17 Healthy Habits Skinny, Slim People Do Every Day
We all have one of those friends-- the kind who stays slim, and seems to eat anything they want. It makes you wonder how they do it. So we took a survey of skinny people who had lost weight, asking them to share their best tips to burn fat day in and out. Here's what these skinny people had to say— check out their surprisingly simple habits that keep them slim every day w … [Read more...]
A Foodie’s Guide to a Fat-Burning Super Bowl
Are you getting ready for the Super Bowl? We are too! We've got some great recipes below that will keep you in the fat-burning zone for the Super Bowl --or any party! But first, you just have to meet Victoria! She is a freelance sportscaster (and a foodie). And that means she spends her days surrounded by stadium foods and tail-gate temptations. To her dismay, all … [Read more...]
Supercharging Your Weight Loss
You have committed to changing your eating habits to lose weight and become a healthier version of you. How can you make the most of the next 28 days? At the start of your program, we recommend a 24-48 hour clear liquid fast. This will set you up for success as you embark on your weight loss journey. But is fasting safe? Won't it kill your metabolism? Many people believe … [Read more...]
PTF Results: Mary Lost 27 Pounds in 3 Weeks
Mary had been trying to lose weight for years. But nothing she tried was working. Then she switched up her breakfast routine... Let's talk about Mary's Personal Trainer Food results, and some concrete steps you can take to lose weight, too. When we first met Mary, it wasn't like she was eating a ton of junk food or calories. She's a registered nurse, so she knows better! The … [Read more...]
5 Quick Tips for a Successful Fast
Fasting is a great way to help maximize your fat loss by helping to detoxifying the body, getting rid of excess sugar in the bloodstream, normalizing hormones and giving your digestive system a break. When you break your fast, your body will be in an optimal state to burn fat. Periodic fasting has been shown to be effective for fat loss. Here are five simple tips to help you … [Read more...]
He Lost 35.4 Pounds, but Gained Something Unexpected…
We could all use more time in our day. Find out how you can gain 40 hours a month and save money on your grocery bill, too! Stop Spending 40 Hours a Month Slaving In the Kitchen Did you know that with a family of four, you have the job of providing 336 nutritious meals a month? To do that, you will spend 70 hours shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning up. For a family of … [Read more...]
How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
You’ve tried everything. You’ve lost weight in other areas, but that belly fat will…not…go…away. There are actually scientific reasons why belly fat is harder to lose, especially for women. When you lose weight, you’re likely to see changes in your legs, face and arms before your belly. So what can you do? Here are three things you can do to finally lose stubborn belly fat, … [Read more...]
What’s the LEAST Amount of Exercise You Can to do Lose Weight?
How hard do I have to workout? How often do I have to workout? What kinds of workouts do I have to do? What you are REALLY asking is "what's the bare minimum I can get away with and still get the results I want?" Fair enough. No one wants to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary doing something they really don't want to be doing in the first place. We hate … [Read more...]
Celebrating– with FUN not Food
Getting to your desired weight takes commitment. When you achieve it, you should celebrate.Personal Trainer Food encourages celebration to acknowledge your achievement and share your new look with others. It feels satisfying to know you stuck to the program and made it happen. How you celebrate is just as important as the work you put in to achieve your goal TIP: By the way, … [Read more...]
What Can You Lose In One Month?
We say that if you stick to following our healthy weight loss plan of eating nothing but meats, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and cheeses that you will lose weight. But if you do this, what kind of weight loss results can you get in one month? Meet the team! They'd like to show you what happened after following our program for four weeks... Rhett Lost 18.8 Pounds PTF … [Read more...]
How to Fight Cravings and WIN!
Cravings. That's when your brain, deprived of sugar, throws a fit like a 2-year old until it gets its way. Reward the 2-year old in your head and the cycle will never cease... The thing is, most of us mix up cravings with hunger. How can you tell the difference between them? When you are thinking "man, I can't wait to go home and have a big salad tonight" that's hunger. … [Read more...]
Walking is Exercise for Your Brain
Is walking part of your regular routine? If it is, then not only are you benefiting your waistline, you are doing your brain and memory a favor. There is mounting evidence that regular walking benefits the brain health of adults. Now that it's finally starting to warm up and you've got your freezer loaded with Personal Trainer Food, you may be thinking about dragging yourself … [Read more...]
Kickstart Your Weight Loss with 7 Fat-Burning Activities
Let’s get even more serious about losing pounds and inches with different movements for fat burning. Your weight loss plan has 3 components Eating RightMoving for 20 minutes or 2,000 stepsAvoiding the wrong foods Eating Right! Your Personal Trainer Food meal plan is the perfect way to make sure you eat right and keep meal prep simple. AMP UP Your A … [Read more...]
PTF + You = The Biggest Winner
The Biggest Loser. It is the classic fairy tale story of transformation and living happily ever after, and it is fascinating to watch. But former contestant Kai Hibbard is speaking out about the show's troublesome weight loss tactics. For 16 seasons, 700 million viewers a week have been tuning in to root for their favorite "Losers." They do killer exercise routines while … [Read more...]
What You CAN Do When The Scale Won’t Budge
Uh-oh, scale won't budge? Let's get it moving again! First, Tell Us-- What's Your Perfect Number? You know, it's the one on the scale that will make you feel sexier, more confident, and happier. The one you fantasize about when you first start out on your weight loss journey. So what is it for you? 125? 140? 175? Whatever your number is, that's great! You CAN get … [Read more...]
How to Lose Weight — and Keep it Off for Good!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food A study published by the American Journal of Public Health says that those who are obese are doomed with a 1% or less chance or getting to a "normal" weight. With soaring obesity rates, this is grim news--that we TOTALLY disagree with! At Personal Trainer Food we believe it IS possible to lose the weight and keep it off. … [Read more...]
Exercise Myth or Fact? Get Proven Strategies for Success
Hi there! We really need to talk about an exercise myth (or two) that could be keeping your from your goals. If we haven't already met, I'm Mike Starks the CEO and Founder of Personal Trainer Food. And after losing 50 pounds myself, and helping thousands of people also lose weight too, I'm no stranger to exercise myths. Is An Exercise Myth Keeping You From Seeing Your … [Read more...]
15 Holiday Fixes: How to Survive This Time of Year
Chances are, you'll be tempted to make at least one of these common blunders this holiday season. In fact, you might even be making one right now. Here's what to watch out for... #1 Running on coffee so you can eat at the holiday party later. Coffee is awesome, but chain-drinking it so you can "save calories" for later... ...drops your blood sugars too low, setting you up … [Read more...]
The 4 Tricks to LOSE Weight Over the Holidays
The holidays are right around the corner. All that hard work to lose or maintain your weight over the summer tends to go by the wayside during fall and winter. But I have four easy-to-do secrets for how to actually lose weight despite those gut-busting holiday meals. 1. Avoid anything with the word “casserole” Americans will consume around 3,000 calories at the Thanksgiving tab … [Read more...]
6 Steps to Supercharge Your Weight Loss & Drop a Pant Size (or two)!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food “In order to lose weight, you must count calories and do more exercise.” Wrong! If you have tried doing this, you know it takes forever just to lose a little weight, and the minute you stop starving or exercising yourself to death, the fat comes back with a vengeance. It isn’t in your head! The advice you were following … [Read more...]
Should You Track Your Calorie Counts?
How can you eat fat, ignore calorie counts and still lose weight? Easy! You just have to understand one thing: a calorie is not a calorie. Everyone is crazy about calorie counts and fat and food manufacturers have responded by creating low-fat, low-calorie foods. Does It Really Help to Count? When you go to the grocery store, fat-free foods are everywhere-- even … [Read more...]
Wrongfully Accused
Butter, eggs and steak, oh my! You instantly made a bad association to the foods listed in the sentence above, didn't you? Put them all together and you get an artery-clogging heart attack bomb, right? It is that deeply ingrained reaction which prompts many people to ask us why we allow unlimited meats and eggs on our program. For the last 60 years or so, we have lived in … [Read more...]
5 Super Easy Steps to Losing Weight
Exercise more, eat less, count calories, avoid fat, eat whole grains, eat this or that packaged food. That's what conventional diet wisdom has told us in recent years. Who can blame us for being confused, not to mention overweight? So what's the SECRET to LOSING WEIGHT? (Hint: it does not involve a diet). Obesity in our country is reaching epidemic proportions, … [Read more...]
How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?
How many calories are in our programs? Good question! It's great that we now have access to information about the foods we eat, like calories, nutrients, and whether it is GMO-free. But has that information really done anything to solve our expanding waistline? FACT: Americans are the most nutritionally educated consumer in the world, and yet we are the most obese country … [Read more...]
Guilt-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
During weight loss mode, we encourage you to keep it simple and just stick to meats and vegetables. But if you've reached your goal, we thought you'd enjoy this recipe our CEO Mike makes for our PTF celebrations. You better watch out-- they aren't weighed down with a ton of carbs and sugars so they disappear fast! Personal Trainer Food Ingredients: 12 Personal Trainer Food … [Read more...]
Can Red Wine and Alcohol Help You Lose Fat?
Maybe you've heard that drinking red wine is good for you because it has resveratol in it. And some people are saying that a few glasses of red wine before bedtime will suppress your appetite and help you to lose weight. Now THAT sounds like a dream come true. But should you do it? In this article, we'll talk about alcohol and weight loss! 1. Alcohol is a Fat-Loving … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Turn Cheating Into Success
Just one bite... …oops, now the bag is empty! How did THAT happen? You have been so good and making great progress up until now. What do you do next? Is it possible to turn your setback into success? Or have you completely ruined your program and doomed yourself to a life of failure? Eating like this is what was once normal for you. It is what put on the fat in the first … [Read more...]
3 Must-Read Tips to Keep You On Track– the Last One is Powerful!
By Erika Smith Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food In these current times, one way to help with stress and anxiety you may be experiencing is to focus any potential negative energy on something positive. With everything going on, it is especially important to spend some time each day focusing on yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Whether you are at your health … [Read more...]
5 Ways You Can Get Ridiculous Energy Levels
Do you feel like taking a nap right now? Are you dreaming about your next cup of coffee? What if you could boost your energy for the long-term without relying on quick fixes? Let's talk about 5 straightforward ways to ditch the coffee and energy drinks and get the energy jump-start you've been waiting for. One: Do this Step by Step Are you reaching for another cup of coffee … [Read more...]
Fast Weight Loss: How to Lose More In Just One Week
When it comes to weight loss, most 'experts' say 2 pounds a week is all you should expect. But you're interested in fast weight loss-- something more than a few disappointing pounds at a time, right? Is it even possible? What if we said we've seen people lose 7, 8, 9 pounds ...or more? We understand you might be skeptical. That's why we've included video proof for … [Read more...]
What is the BEST Day to Start a Diet?
Hi There! Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation? This Monday I am starting my diet,” "After New Year’s, it will begin,” "I am not eating any more red meat,” "I'm going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight." "I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go." In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. … [Read more...]
Transformation: We Can’t Show You On Facebook
After just 8 weeks of Personal Trainer Food, Avelino made an amazing weight loss transformation. He lost a shocking amount-- over 50 pounds. That's more than 20% of his starting body weight. But something happened when we tried to share his weight loss transformation on Facebook: we were blocked! You be the judge. Is Avelino's transformation story too much for social media? … [Read more...]
4 Shocking Frozen Food Facts
Is frozen food actually healthy or are all the nutrients destroyed when it gets frozen? Is it even worth the cost? Here are 4 frozen food facts that will probably surprise you... Fact #1: Your fresh apple might be 7 in dog years. In nature, apples are only ripe once a year. But you can find them available year-round in nearly any store. That year-round availability means … [Read more...]
10 Brilliant Things You Can Do to Look Younger Now
Is it possible to reverse the signs of aging so you can look younger and feel younger too? Learn about healthy aging and what you can actually do to look younger right now...even if you are in your 30's, 40's, 50's (or more). 1. #1 Way to Look Younger: Cut Sugar Let's face it, our bodies are not designed to handle the massive amount of sugar in today's foods. Even if you … [Read more...]
Your Hollywood Diet Guide: Insider’s Scoop!
Have you ever wondered what celebrities really do to lose weight and maintain camera-ready physiques? While you might not be able to work out five hours a day (p.s. you don't have to!), you can take a page out of their playbook to see what you need to do to lose weight and feel great. Here's your insider's guide to getting red-carpet ready from 9 A-list celebs who know all … [Read more...]