Can Health Foods Make Fat? Everywhere you go, you see foods marketed as good for you. But are they also good at helping you to burn fat-- or will these health foods make fat? The answer will surprise you! Check out these 13 sneaky "health foods" --and learn what to eat instead. 1. Sushi Sushi rice tops the list of all the rices in its ability to put fat on your body because it … [Read more...]
121 Ways to Tell If You Are Losing Weight — that don’t include a scale!
When you're doing everything right but the scale won't budge, how else can you tell you are losing weight? That's where tracking non-scale victories can help. To illustrate what non-scale victories look like, we asked people like you how they knew they were losing weight. Their responses are inspiring, funny, and fantastically motivating-- and they'll help you to stay on … [Read more...]
How I Ate Everything
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food I have eaten through my entire life. In the beginning, I ate to taste new things, to grow, to be a part of the peanut butter and jelly on white bread group at the lunch table. When we were poor and I was a homeless child, I ate to feed my malnourished body, to fill the void in my gut, to have enough until the next meager … [Read more...]
17 Mouthwatering Food Swaps to Kill Cravings and Shed Pounds
Are you missing some of your favorite foods like noodles, pizza, and chips? Here are 17 low carb food swaps to help you get your fix, satisfy your cravings, and still lose weight. (And surprise... these low carb food swaps taste as good or BETTER!) We've included plenty of easy recipes that you can make in just minutes, too. Instead of Noshing on Nachos Dive Into a Plate of … [Read more...]
How I Kicked my Family’s Fast Food Habit
by Erika Smith Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food From baseball practice to hockey games, and all the way back across town for drum lessons—I am a very busy mom of three boys. Like so many other moms during the after school or weekend shuffle, what to cook for dinner is usually the last thing on my mind. I have always been a very health-conscious person. When my kids w … [Read more...]
How to Lose Belly Fat: Real-Time Study Results
Are you frustrated by belly fat? Imagine being able to lose fat and cinch up your belt by 6 to 7 inches in just a few weeks. How many notches would that be? 3, 5, 6? Think you can't? Think again. We have conducted many fat-loss studies over the years, on groups of teachers, nurses, men, beauty queens, and even on ourselves! Men's Weight Loss Results from RECON are in. 10 … [Read more...]
PTF Results: Mary Lost 27 Pounds in 3 Weeks
Mary had been trying to lose weight for years. But nothing she tried was working. Then she switched up her breakfast routine... Let's talk about Mary's Personal Trainer Food results, and some concrete steps you can take to lose weight, too. When we first met Mary, it wasn't like she was eating a ton of junk food or calories. She's a registered nurse, so she knows better! The … [Read more...]
5 Quick Tips for a Successful Fast
Fasting is a great way to help maximize your fat loss by helping to detoxifying the body, getting rid of excess sugar in the bloodstream, normalizing hormones and giving your digestive system a break. When you break your fast, your body will be in an optimal state to burn fat. Periodic fasting has been shown to be effective for fat loss. Here are five simple tips to help you … [Read more...]
He Lost 35.4 Pounds, but Gained Something Unexpected…
We could all use more time in our day. Find out how you can gain 40 hours a month and save money on your grocery bill, too! Stop Spending 40 Hours a Month Slaving In the Kitchen Did you know that with a family of four, you have the job of providing 336 nutritious meals a month? To do that, you will spend 70 hours shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning up. For a family of … [Read more...]
What Can You Lose In One Month?
We say that if you stick to following our healthy weight loss plan of eating nothing but meats, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and cheeses that you will lose weight. But if you do this, what kind of weight loss results can you get in one month? Meet the team! They'd like to show you what happened after following our program for four weeks... Rhett Lost 18.8 Pounds PTF … [Read more...]
Kickstart Your Weight Loss with 7 Fat-Burning Activities
Let’s get even more serious about losing pounds and inches with different movements for fat burning. Your weight loss plan has 3 components Eating RightMoving for 20 minutes or 2,000 stepsAvoiding the wrong foods Eating Right! Your Personal Trainer Food meal plan is the perfect way to make sure you eat right and keep meal prep simple. AMP UP Your A … [Read more...]
PTF + You = The Biggest Winner
The Biggest Loser. It is the classic fairy tale story of transformation and living happily ever after, and it is fascinating to watch. But former contestant Kai Hibbard is speaking out about the show's troublesome weight loss tactics. For 16 seasons, 700 million viewers a week have been tuning in to root for their favorite "Losers." They do killer exercise routines while … [Read more...]
What You CAN Do When The Scale Won’t Budge
Uh-oh, scale won't budge? Let's get it moving again! First, Tell Us-- What's Your Perfect Number? You know, it's the one on the scale that will make you feel sexier, more confident, and happier. The one you fantasize about when you first start out on your weight loss journey. So what is it for you? 125? 140? 175? Whatever your number is, that's great! You CAN get … [Read more...]
How to Lose Weight — and Keep it Off for Good!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food A study published by the American Journal of Public Health says that those who are obese are doomed with a 1% or less chance or getting to a "normal" weight. With soaring obesity rates, this is grim news--that we TOTALLY disagree with! At Personal Trainer Food we believe it IS possible to lose the weight and keep it off. … [Read more...]
Exercise Myth or Fact? Get Proven Strategies for Success
Hi there! We really need to talk about an exercise myth (or two) that could be keeping your from your goals. If we haven't already met, I'm Mike Starks the CEO and Founder of Personal Trainer Food. And after losing 50 pounds myself, and helping thousands of people also lose weight too, I'm no stranger to exercise myths. Is An Exercise Myth Keeping You From Seeing Your … [Read more...]
Eating right to prevent the afternoon binge
Have you had more than 'just one' Christmas cookie or candy today? It might be time to make over your morning meal, finds a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Here's how you can prevent mindless snacking and weight gain. How High In Protein is Your Breakfast? Researchers from the University of Missouri tested the breakfast habits of 20 overweight … [Read more...]
Can You Have a Cheat Day and Still Lose Weight?
"Can I have a cheat day?" That's a great question! But what are you really asking? You are asking if you can still have beer, pizza, and ice cream. Or you might be asking if you still party like a rock star on the weekends. Yeah, I get it, you want your slice of birthday cake and a glass of wine with it too. ...and want to still lose weight. Well, unfortunately, … [Read more...]
6 Steps to Supercharge Your Weight Loss & Drop a Pant Size (or two)!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food “In order to lose weight, you must count calories and do more exercise.” Wrong! If you have tried doing this, you know it takes forever just to lose a little weight, and the minute you stop starving or exercising yourself to death, the fat comes back with a vengeance. It isn’t in your head! The advice you were following … [Read more...]
5 Ways You Can Get Ridiculous Energy Levels
Do you feel like taking a nap right now? Are you dreaming about your next cup of coffee? What if you could boost your energy for the long-term without relying on quick fixes? Let's talk about 5 straightforward ways to ditch the coffee and energy drinks and get the energy jump-start you've been waiting for. One: Do this Step by Step Are you reaching for another cup of coffee … [Read more...]
Mind Games: the Mental Part of Weight Loss
That little voice in your head sure has a lot to say. But is it helping or hurting your weight loss goals and live your life to the fullest? Find out which mind game from the 9 below might be holding you back. You'll be surprised! To learn how this works, let's get in the heads of six women who were participating in our Altered! Wedding Weight Loss Challenge to lose weight … [Read more...]
Fast Weight Loss: How to Lose More In Just One Week
When it comes to weight loss, most 'experts' say 2 pounds a week is all you should expect. But you're interested in fast weight loss-- something more than a few disappointing pounds at a time, right? Is it even possible? What if we said we've seen people lose 7, 8, 9 pounds ...or more? We understand you might be skeptical. That's why we've included video proof for … [Read more...]
What is the BEST Day to Start a Diet?
Hi There! Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation? This Monday I am starting my diet,” "After New Year’s, it will begin,” "I am not eating any more red meat,” "I'm going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight." "I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go." In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. … [Read more...]
Transformation: We Can’t Show You On Facebook
After just 8 weeks of Personal Trainer Food, Avelino made an amazing weight loss transformation. He lost a shocking amount-- over 50 pounds. That's more than 20% of his starting body weight. But something happened when we tried to share his weight loss transformation on Facebook: we were blocked! You be the judge. Is Avelino's transformation story too much for social media? … [Read more...]
52 Pounds Lost in 8 Weeks! How Did He Do it?
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food Eight weeks ago, 10 men from different walks of life took on the RECON challenge. Eight weeks ago, we promised you that we would show you their real field-tested results. Now comes the moment of truth: does RECON work? See for yourself how the RECON challengers got stronger, leaner bodies, better family lives, and … [Read more...]
How 3 Men Lost Over 50 Pounds In One Week with RECON (and how you can too)!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food RECON is our Exclusive Weight Loss Program for Men coming October 2015. Until then, we have 10 men test-driving RECON for you. They will give you the insider's scoop on how this program works so you can see for yourself if it is right for you. Last week, the men took some simple steps become mission-ready and confident … [Read more...]
RECON – The Exclusive Program for Men
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food “Tactics without Strategy is the noise before defeat” Sun Tzu – Art of War Weight loss is a war; to win it you must have a complete, efficient strategy that fits into your daily battle of life. RECON gives you the precise strategy of a surgical strike so yo … [Read more...]
Would your CEO post a shirtless selfie? Here’s why ours did!
By: Gunner Shroy Customer Support, Personal Trainer Food Personal Trainer Food CEO and Founder Mike Starks recently took off his shirt, snapped a selfie, and immediately sent it to the CEOs of Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Medifast, and Jenny Craig. What for? Inspired by our Walk the Walk challenge, Mike is challenging the CEOs of those companies to eat their own foods for 90 … [Read more...]
15 Genius Tips from Real People to Help You Lose Weight on Personal Trainer Food
By: Gunner Shroy Customer Support, Personal Trainer Food By week three of our 2015 Walk the Walk challenge we were all seeing results. So far, our group of 10 had lost a total of 100.8 pounds—but we were even more excited about our non-scale victories! You’ve probably heard us talk about non-scale victories before; these are the myriad of ways that you and your body are cha … [Read more...]
How fast will you lose weight with Personal Trainer Food?
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food We told you we were going to share real results from real people doing our Walk the Walk Challenge. We also talked about 5 participants who were determined to see if they could lose 10 to 20 pounds in two weeks. That's pretty fast! Let's talk to these people to find out if they were able to do it. We'll share what they h … [Read more...]
You Need to See This! After One Week on Our Walk the Walk Challenge, This Happens…
by Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food Gunner works in Customer Support at Personal Trainer Food and is doing the Walk the Walk Challenge. The Walk the Walk Challenge is what some of us are doing here at headquarters to see what kind of results we can get eating the same menu items and following the same Guidelines—just like you do. Well, when Gunner stepped o … [Read more...]
How to Lose 10-20 Pounds in 2 Weeks. We Put it to the Test!
by Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food We say that you can lose 10-20 pounds in 2 weeks. But is this just an empty marketing claim or can you really get those results for yourself? This is exactly why the team here at Personal Trainer Food is doing the Walk the Walk Challenge. We come from all walks of life. Some want to lose a lot, some only a little, and … [Read more...]
Join Us and Walk The Walk
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food We talk with clients just like you every day about reaching their goals and making lasting, life-long changes in their life—whether big or small. This got us thinking… Every one of us here at Personal Trainer Food has our own unique backgrounds and personal goals as well. Why not join together to reach them? After all, s … [Read more...]
Which Fat Burner Supplement is Right for You?
Are you thinking about going to your local health food store to see if there is something you can take to help burn fat faster? Find out which supplements will work for you with this quiz: Do you keep your wads of useless cash by your garbage can, just in case you feel the need to throw them away? Does the thought of having the jitters, anxiety, and constant itching … [Read more...]
Calling All Dallas/Fort Worth Brides-To-Be!
We need your help! Do you know any brides in the Dallas Fort Worth area who would like to participate in this year’s PTF Altered! challenge to win up to $10,000 in cash and prizes while losing weight? You may have heard about our 2014 Altered Challenge in which we helped 6 brides-to-be lose weight to look great for their big day. Their results were nothing short of a … [Read more...]
How To Measure Your Success
Why is it when we start our journey toward a new, healthier lifestyle, we always start by stepping on that dusty, dreaded scale? Though the scale can be a useful tool to measure numeric success, it often becomes our worst enemy. We naturally start our journey with a positive attitude, and tons of motivation. We fantasize about that perfect number on the scale, the number that w … [Read more...]
Real People, Real Results: Week 3
We asked our customers to record a quick video talking about their experience on Personal Trainer Food. It's no big surprise we found some great stories and amazing life changes. This week, Richard, Sara, Retta and others shared some of the wonderful victories they've experienced, from losing over 40 pounds to sleeping better, to finally finding a program they can stick to. We … [Read more...]
Real People, Real Results: Week 2
We asked our customers to record a quick video talking about their experience on Personal Trainer Food. It’s no big surprise we found some great stories and amazing life changes. This week, Tandra and others talked about some of the great changes they have noticed and how they have carried over to their families as well. We think they say it best! … [Read more...]
Calling all DFW Brides-to-Be!
We are looking for “brides to be” that want to lose weight for their big day and win prizes like cash and a honeymoon trip in our exciting new weight loss competition: Altered! … [Read more...]
Real People, Real Results: Week 1
We asked our customers to record a quick video talking about their experience on Personal Trainer Food. It’s no big surprise we found some great stories and amazing life changes. To kick things off, Scott, Reyna, Denise and others talked about how Personal Trainer Food's delicious and convenient meals have helped them to reach goals, reduce medications, and finally see results … [Read more...]
7 Tips to Lose Weight After Pregnancy!
First of all, if you are a new mom, congratulations! If you are like most new moms, you may be a little anxious to lose the baby weight. For some women, the extra weight seems to fall off magically the instant they start breast-feeding their sweet little bundle of joy. For the rest of us, we have to put in a little more effort to shed those pregnancy pounds. Here … [Read more...]
Diets are for Quitters!
New Year’s resolutions have come and gone for most. And now with summer right around the corner, we are saying those all-too-familiar phrases we were proclaiming just a couple of months ago....'I am going on a diet and will lose weight!' Well, guess what? Diets are for quitters! That's why Personal Trainer Food is focused on helping you change your habits to set you up for l … [Read more...]
Bariatric Surgery for Two-Year Olds?!
Obesity surgery at two years old… Really? As parents, our children are our #1 priority. As a father myself, three years ago I did a short reality series on childhood obesity. I worked with seven kids under the age of 13 to see if our Personal Trainer Food program could help them lose weight. Two of the female children at 13 years old weighed in at 270 pounds. Their parents w … [Read more...]
Celebrity Weight Loss Rumors…
In 2013, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s aide revealed that the Governor had weight loss surgery. Long the subject of late night talk show jokes, the Governor said the surgery had everything to do with his health and family. But many speculated that Christie had the surgery in preparation for his 2016 political aspirations. Did he or didn't he? Like it or not, the r … [Read more...]
“I’m Not Fat, I’m Big Boned!” — Have You Ever Heard This?
"I'm Not Fat, I'm Big Boned!" Is there any truth to it? Ellen, a Personal Trainer Food Customer in Wyoming shared her story with us. We thought her experience can help you de-bone this big-boned claim... once and for all. Here's what she wrote: "I'm just big boned." We utilize this phrase to try to explain, justify, or make excuses for our less-than-desirable height to … [Read more...]