Can Health Foods Make Fat? Everywhere you go, you see foods marketed as good for you. But are they also good at helping you to burn fat-- or will these health foods make fat? The answer will surprise you! Check out these 13 sneaky "health foods" --and learn what to eat instead. 1. Sushi Sushi rice tops the list of all the rices in its ability to put fat on your body because it … [Read more...]
The Relationship Between Obesity, Diabetes, Sugar, and Carbohydrates
Developing Effective Strategies The prevalence of obesity and diabetes has been increasing worldwide, prompting researchers and health professionals to investigate the causes and potential preventive measures. Among the factors receiving attention are the roles of sugar and carbohydrates in contributing to obesity and diabetes. Understanding the relationship between these … [Read more...]
Show Mom Some Love– How to Give her the Gift of Time!
by Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food What is the number one reason for not doing the things you really want to do? “I don’t have time.” It’s not surprising; we all have a lot on our plates. Lack of time is the reason why your to-do list never ends, limiting you from doing more enjoyable things each day. For mom, the woman who does it all, this is especially … [Read more...]
How I Ate Everything
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food I have eaten through my entire life. In the beginning, I ate to taste new things, to grow, to be a part of the peanut butter and jelly on white bread group at the lunch table. When we were poor and I was a homeless child, I ate to feed my malnourished body, to fill the void in my gut, to have enough until the next meager … [Read more...]
BUST Your Myths! 3 Myths That Prevent Losing Weight
Myth #1 –Losing weight is hard to do Weight loss has a stigma of being hard to do.Traditional diet programs are food restricting and require a drawerful of measuring tools. Not PTF. Personal Trainer Food plans are lightweight to carry with you and easy to stick to. Order your favorite foods, do daily light exercise, heat your meal and eat to lose weight. Myth #2 – … [Read more...]
How I Kicked my Family’s Fast Food Habit
by Erika Smith Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food From baseball practice to hockey games, and all the way back across town for drum lessons—I am a very busy mom of three boys. Like so many other moms during the after school or weekend shuffle, what to cook for dinner is usually the last thing on my mind. I have always been a very health-conscious person. When my kids … [Read more...]
A Foodie’s Guide to a Fat-Burning Super Bowl
Are you getting ready for the Super Bowl? We are too! We've got some great recipes below that will keep you in the fat-burning zone for the Super Bowl --or any party! But first, you just have to meet Victoria! She is a freelance sportscaster (and a foodie). And that means she spends her days surrounded by stadium foods and tail-gate temptations. To her dismay, all … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why Bacon is Healthy!
It’s salty, smoky and sweet and is now undergoing a massive culinary explosion the world over. When paired with a meal, it enhances the dish. We are talking about bacon, of course! Its taste is legendary but it has always come with warning signs. However, this mouth-watering meat has numerous health benefits and can prove to be a good addition to your diet. Here are 5 reasons … [Read more...]
He Lost 35.4 Pounds, but Gained Something Unexpected…
We could all use more time in our day. Find out how you can gain 40 hours a month and save money on your grocery bill, too! Stop Spending 40 Hours a Month Slaving In the Kitchen Did you know that with a family of four, you have the job of providing 336 nutritious meals a month? To do that, you will spend 70 hours shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning up. For a family of … [Read more...]
How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
You’ve tried everything. You’ve lost weight in other areas, but that belly fat will…not…go…away. There are actually scientific reasons why belly fat is harder to lose, especially for women. When you lose weight, you’re likely to see changes in your legs, face and arms before your belly. So what can you do? Here are three things you can do to finally lose stubborn belly fat, … [Read more...]
Celebrating– with FUN not Food
Getting to your desired weight takes commitment. When you achieve it, you should celebrate.Personal Trainer Food encourages celebration to acknowledge your achievement and share your new look with others. It feels satisfying to know you stuck to the program and made it happen. How you celebrate is just as important as the work you put in to achieve your goal TIP: By the way, … [Read more...]
Coffee: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
Can coffee be a part of a healthy lifestyle? Whether you drink one or two (or twenty) cups of coffee a day, there are some things you definitely want to know... First of all, let's examine what coffee. Coffee as we know it today is a beverage prepared from the roasting, grinding, and brewing of the seeds of the Coffea arabica plant. The original domesticated coffee plant is … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Spice Coffee
Hello September! Wrap your hands around a warm mug of seasonal flavor as you dive into September with this heavenly PTF-approved beverage. This recipe is just like what you would find in a coffee shop; it's the "spice and everything nice" but without all the sugar! Ingredients: 1 cup of Coffee 2 tbsp. Butter 1/8 tsp. Vanilla extract Pumpkin pie spice seasoning, to … [Read more...]
Eggs for Breakfast? What You Need to Know
If you are trying to lose weight, does it really matter what you eat for breakfast? Which will help you burn more fat in the morning: cereal, toast, eggs, or yogurt? Let's put it to the test! Here's your menu, pick one... Breakfast A: two eggs, and some toast with jelly (339 calories). Breakfast B: a bagel with cream cheese along with some yogurt (340 calories). I'll help … [Read more...]
Time To Teach Healthy Habits
The month of September is known for many things. There's International Country Music Day, Butterscotch Pudding day, Punctuation Day, Happy Cat Month, National Honey Month, and National Shake Month just to name a few. But did you also know that September is also officially National Childhood Obesity Month? Childhood obesity is a serious topic. So serious that it deserves an … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Hack to Kill Cravings
Why is it when you start a program, you crave things like cookies, bread, candy, and chocolate --but not broccoli? Believe it or not, your body IS telling you to eat broccoli. You've just got your wires crossed! Let's get this all straightened out so you can kill cravings for good. Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. -- Sun Tzu To … [Read more...]
How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?
How many calories are in our programs? Good question! It's great that we now have access to information about the foods we eat, like calories, nutrients, and whether it is GMO-free. But has that information really done anything to solve our expanding waistline? FACT: Americans are the most nutritionally educated consumer in the world, and yet we are the most obese country … [Read more...]
Apple Pie Filling
Apple pie without the guilt! This recipe is a fantastic way to satisfy your sweet tooth! Don’t forget to stay stocked up on all your Personal Trainer Food favorites so you can make delicious meals in minutes. Ingredients: 1 Apple, cored and sliced into wedges 1 Tbsp Butter Non-caloric sweetener such as Splenda or Stevia to taste 1/8 teaspoon (or to taste) apple pie … [Read more...]
17 Calcium-Rich Foods Better At Burning Fat Than Milk!
Some people are surprised that our Weight Loss Guidelines recommend avoiding milk and most other dairy. That surprise immediately turns into a concern that without milk, they may not be getting enough calcium. This is completely understandable since milk and dairy advertisements leave us with the impression that dairy is the only calcium-rich food out there. But this isn't … [Read more...]
April Fool’s! Did You Fall for These Pranks?
By Jessica Carlton Sales Director, Personal Trainer Food I remember being a kid, carefully and strategically planning out all the April Fool’s jokes I would play on my friends and family. This one vividly sticks out in my head: I would quietly wake up very early, sneak down the stairs, tip-toe into the kitchen, and tie a rubber band on the handle of the kitchen sink sprayer … [Read more...]
4 Shocking Frozen Food Facts
Is frozen food actually healthy or are all the nutrients destroyed when it gets frozen? Is it even worth the cost? Here are 4 frozen food facts that will probably surprise you... Fact #1: Your fresh apple might be 7 in dog years. In nature, apples are only ripe once a year. But you can find them available year-round in nearly any store. That year-round availability means … [Read more...]
Stealth Health: Healthy Food that Looks like Unhealthy Food
Company Creates New Bundt Cake Chicken. Looks like Bundt Cake, Filled With Chicken! Fort Worth, Texas (April 1, 2015) - continues to change the way Americans eat and lose weight with their new unconventional, but highly effective product introduction: Bundt Cake Chicken. It looks like a bundt cake, but is actually chicken! Pictured to the left, Bundt … [Read more...]
We Hate to Say We Told You So!
Every cell in your body needs cholesterol. You cannot function without it. But cholesterol is bad because high levels of cholesterol cause heart attacks, right? The truth is that cholesterol in food makes little difference in the cholesterol in your blood. Cholesterol in food gets broken down and discarded or used by your body. The cholesterol in your blood is made by your … [Read more...]
Feel Great Through Fall and Flu Season
Fall is here! The weather is getting colder, the days are getting shorter, and your schedule is getting busier. In addition to the kid's school events, sport events, and the upcoming holidays it is also the beginning of the Flu Season. Here are 5 tips to stay healthy and prevent a decrease in energy and mood in the upcoming months. 1. Get Exercise and Sunlight Now that … [Read more...]
My Monster Energy Drink Eye Wash Story
Okay, so it happened. Murphy’s law at its finest. The other day, I ran into the Chevron station to purchase gas and I noticed Monster Energy Drinks on sale: 2 for $4. Now, I don’t like admitting to everyone that I drink these crazy drinks, but I swear it’s only a once-a-month thing. Do they really give me energy? Maybe not, but I like to think they do. At 50 years old, the … [Read more...]
Bariatric Surgery for Two-Year Olds?!
Obesity surgery at two years old… Really? As parents, our children are our #1 priority. As a father myself, three years ago I did a short reality series on childhood obesity. I worked with seven kids under the age of 13 to see if our Personal Trainer Food program could help them lose weight. Two of the female children at 13 years old weighed in at 270 pounds. Their parents … [Read more...]
How to Tell if Your Child is Eating Right!
Are you confident that you are feeding your child right? How can you tell if you need to make a change to your child's diet? Learn how to figure out if your child is eating right, and how to help them maintain an ideal weight... How and When To Lose Weight First, if you feel it would be healthy for your child to lose a few pounds, do not feel like a failure! Our society … [Read more...]