Uh-oh, scale won’t budge? Let’s get it moving again!
First, Tell Us– What’s Your Perfect Number?
You know, it’s the one on the scale that will make you feel sexier, more confident, and happier. The one you fantasize about when you first start out on your weight loss journey.
So what is it for you? 125? 140? 175?
Whatever your number is, that’s great! You CAN get there.
But after you do your weigh in at the start of your weight loss journey, you need to watch out.
The scale can be devastating to your progress. Here’s why…
You’re Feeling Good About Your Progress
You wake up, have your morning coffee, and realize it’s time for that weekly weigh-in. So you walk to the bathroom.
As you do, you revisit all the hard work you’ve put in during the last week: you’ve been eating on-program, doing your evening walks, perhaps even some morning runs, or maybe it’s the total body home workout video you’ve committed to each morning before the kids get out of bed.
Whatever it is, you’re pretty confident about the progress you have made.
You step on the scale one foot at a time, anxiously waiting for the scale to speak to you about all your hard work.
And Then Your Scale Won’t Budge…
The needle stops bouncing, settling on the verdict. You feel like you were hit with a ton of bricks.
You whisper to yourself “1/2 a pound?… You’ve got to be kidding me.”
All that confidence and positive energy you had a moment before vanishes. Then suddenly, you hear the bag of chocolates you’ve been hiding from yourself for weeks calling your name.
“What the hell,” you think, it’s not like depriving yourself of chocolate made any difference, right?
STOP!!! Put the Chocolate Away!
Did you see what you just did? You let some number steal your confidence and motivation. And the funny thing is, numbers don’t really exist, like the words in this blog don’t exist, except in your head.
But the jeans you just pulled on are for real. The looser waistband is not your imagination. How your watch slides down your wrist now is palpable evidence. The sound ZZzzzzz’s you got last night are not a coincidence.
Ironically, the more we fixate on how little progress we are making on the scale, the less likely we are to acknowledge other sure signs of progress. And weirdly, the more likely the scale won’t budge anymore.
Here’s How You Get Unstuck
Staying off the scale will help you lose more weight in the long run.
How does that work?
Think of it this way: when you focus your energy on every hash line of the scale, it’s like watching a clock in a windowless room. At best, progress is self-limiting and tedious– at the worst, it gets you nowhere.
And you lose sight of your goal.
When you weigh yourself at the beginning of your program, subtracting your perfect weight from your current weight, you set a goal.
Like we said, that’s good! Now put your scale away, set your sights on your goal and GO FOR IT!
You need that bird’s eye view of your goal. It keeps you thinking big, recognizing real progress, and on-track.
When Should You Weigh Yourself?
About every 4 weeks take your weight again. Maybe you won’t hit the perfect number in your first 28 days, but you will be much closer than when you started. Write that number down.
Then write down all the other non-scale victories you noticed over the last month.
Then do the math again, put your scale away and get after it!
Not sure what a non-scale victory looks like? You’ll love reading this fun and informative article: 121 Ways to See Fat Loss Without A Scale!
And please share your non-scale victories with us, too! We love hearing about them.
More Popular Resources for You
Everything you need to know to lose weight quickly is here.
Get the straight facts about weight loss here.
Browse all our fitness articles.
All our low-carb recipes can be found here.
About the Writer: 100 pounds ago, Jan knew what it is like to be obese, unhappy, and stuck. She has spent the last 17 years as a fitness writer, trainer, yoga teacher, and Weight Loss Coach. Today, she’s proud to be a part of the Personal Trainer Food team so she can continue her goal to help others live their fullest lives possible. Email Jan@PersonalTrainerFood.com if you have any questions!
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