Hi There! Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation?

This Monday I am starting my diet,” “After New Year’s, it will begin,” “I am not eating any more red meat,” “I’m going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight.” “I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go.”
In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. We think we will stop doing things one way and start doing them another way.
This ‘motivation game’ occurs with education, relationships, breaking addiction, and making money. It’s based on instant-gratification, and it won’t get you far.
In order to truly change, we must practice change. The funny thing is, change has nothing to do with motivation. Like in the image below…
See how that worked? Change does not happen “on Monday” or “When I decide to change.” Similarly, motivation doesn’t change our environment, our friends, our habits, our routines.
Diet Motivation: Health is Never Owned…
Even as babies, we instinctively understand how to master something. We learned to scoot first. So we tried scooting a little bit every day. Then we realized we could crawl, and even pull ourselves up. That led us to take a few wobbly steps and victory! We were walking!
You didn’t do that because you had some motivation. You just did it.
If you have some weight to lose, success depends on the same thing. Start with the very basics– the very simplest of things, and build on those every single day.
I like to think of it in these terms:
This is where sheer will power and motivation alone won’t pay the rent. If you skip over the basics, there is no way you will stick to your plan every day.
The process of change (or the process of learning to change) requires a plan. The simpler the plan, the easier the learning process. By that, I mean DEAD EASY. The easier your plan is to implement, the greater the likelihood of success. So that plan should require NO motivation whatsoever.
I made it my mission to make the food/eating part dead easy, so you won’t need any diet motivation. Eating the right foods should require little time and almost zero thinking.
These Guidelines I developed for my Personal Trainer Food meal plans can be learned in a day and used for the rest of your life for successful weight loss.
No, This Is Not Another Diet, This Is Different
Honestly, I believe the other diet meal programs have tried to help people. But their so-called meals are made of poor-tasting food, chalky powder drinks and chemical-laden bars. These might help people see quick results, at first. But few people actually want to live on foods like that.
To make matters worse, they tell people you CAN eat things like pizza, muffins, chocolate cake, and still lose weight. Here’s an example of a so-called ‘Breakfast’ from one of our competitors:
It doesn’t look like much of a breakfast at all to me. And I wonder how they stuffed all those ingredients into that tiny muffin?
I’m shaking my head here… that’s a $2 muffin, folks.
Diet company marketers have learned if they can promise easy and quick results eating junk food, they can sell. This means that people will never change their habits. They’ll go from eating cake and cookies to eating some very expensive and highly-processed ‘diet’ cakes and cookies …and back again.
This kind of magical thinking goes for all those gadgets, gear, and trendy health club memberships too. But nothing they are selling will help you for the long term. And that’s all part of their marketing plan.
I applaud their efforts but I condemn their compromise. These companies are so desperate to sell to you that they use paid celebrities, fake before and after pics, photo-retouched food, and sneaky sales gimmicks– all because they know their short term program does not work.
…and the punchline of this kind of marketing is you– and your wallet.
I’m With You– For the Long Run
I am going to show you how to get both short-term results and life-long effects. It’s my mission to educate you and everyone I know about how easy and enjoyable eating well can be.
I know that when a person starts eating well right now– and goes from pizza, pie and popcorn to eating only meats, vegetables, eggs, and cheese, their bodies will see and feel huge changes within 2-5 days.
So you’d eat a breakfast like this instead…
And by the way, that is an actual, human-sized breakfast. You can make it at home or order one of my meal plans and have foods like this delivered to you (and it won’t set you back as much as the muffin, I promise).
Because my focus is to show you how to eat real, convenient food and commit to a simple plan of exercise I know that you’ll get the hang of things really fast. And you’ll realize that you won’t need diet motivation ever again. The results are enough to keep you going!
How do I know? You can see the results of 10 years of eating the Personal Trainer Food way here.
I’m here to help you transition from dietary frustration to long-term success. If you have questions, I’d be happy to help! Drop a comment below and we’ll follow up with you.
You can also like us on Facebook –ask us anything!
I’m 100% Committed to Your Success. Period.
It’s a big step for you to make the commitment to start losing weight. That’s why my team and I pledge to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions, just ask! Leave comments here, or connect with us on Facebook.
You can also call 1-800-273-1686 or email us at [email protected] any time, too.
We would love to converse with you.
Mike Starks, CEO Personal Trainer Food
Save now on low-carb meal deliveries
Right now, you can save 30% on any of our weight loss meal plans. Personal Trainer Food delivers everything you need to lose weight– including a Weight loss Coach who will help you get your very best results.
Enter SAVE30 in the promo code box when you check out. You’ll also enjoy fast, complimentary shipping right to your door.
Get started now — and get the RIGHT foods you need to lose those stubborn pounds.
More Popular Resources for You
Everything you need to know to lose weight quickly is here.
Get the straight facts about weight loss here.
Browse all our fitness articles.
All our low-carb recipes can be found here.
Offer applicable for 30% off any of our meal plans. Use code SAVE30 at checkout to receive offer. May not be combined with other offers.
Weight loss results not guaranteed and are based on various factors. Copyright © 2018 Personal Trainer Food, All rights reserved.
Why is there a special meal plan of Recon for men but not one for us ladies?
That is a great question!
Though all of our meal programs can be used by both men and women, REV is our best meal plan for ladies. REV supports healthy, rapid fat loss for women in particular.
While many men have tried REV and been very satisfied with the results, we felt that they could benefit from a plan that offers them more protein to support their larger bodies.
Great Guide for weight loss, I like your site, so useful and shareable.
I appreciate your stopping by and reading, Bhuvi! Thank you.
This is really a great motivation for me to achieve my plan of weight loss. I like your writing style, I have now realized that how can I make a good plan with my diet. My biggest challenge to losing weight for me, but now you have made it so easy with a balanced diet. Thanks a lot.
You’re so welcome, Bhuvi! I’m glad we can help. (: