Getting to your desired weight takes commitment. When you achieve it, you should celebrate.Personal Trainer Food encourages celebration to acknowledge your achievement and share your new look with others. It feels satisfying to know you stuck to the program and made it happen. How you celebrate is just as important as the work you put in to achieve your goal TIP: By the way, … [Read more...]
Healthy Living Diet Plan
Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans After You’ve Gone Off-Plan: 3 Fast and Easy Steps
You've been off-plan... and now your favorite skinny jeans are too tight. We know what you're thinking-- it's going to be hard to lose some weight. But the truth is, you can get back in your jeans by following these 3 easy steps. How to Get Back In Your Jeans Here’s how to jump-start weight loss. Skinny Jeans Step One: Detox Reset your system: Intermittent fasting has been … [Read more...]
What Can You Lose In One Month?
We say that if you stick to following our healthy weight loss plan of eating nothing but meats, eggs, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and cheeses that you will lose weight. But if you do this, what kind of weight loss results can you get in one month? Meet the team! They'd like to show you what happened after following our program for four weeks... Rhett Lost 18.8 Pounds PTF … [Read more...]
How to Fight Cravings and WIN!
Cravings. That's when your brain, deprived of sugar, throws a fit like a 2-year old until it gets its way. Reward the 2-year old in your head and the cycle will never cease... The thing is, most of us mix up cravings with hunger. How can you tell the difference between them? When you are thinking "man, I can't wait to go home and have a big salad tonight" that's hunger. … [Read more...]
Savory Summers
Quick and Easy PTF Microwave to Eat in Minutes Who can think of summer without thinking about swimming, picnics, and celebrating? Have you been to any graduations lately? I have attended three already. Anniversaries are all over my calendar this month. The best part of the summer is relaxation, outdoor living, and relationships. This time of year, my family and … [Read more...]
Lose Weight Fast: How to Accelerate Weight Loss
Are you resolved to lose weight fast? Maybe you have a special event to go to-- or you just really want to be able to get your skinny jeans back on easily. I hear you! I've helped thousands of people get terrific results, just like the ones you desire. I'm going to tell you what you need to know to lose weight fast --really fast. I want to be very clear: you cannot lose … [Read more...]
Walking is Exercise for Your Brain
Is walking part of your regular routine? If it is, then not only are you benefiting your waistline, you are doing your brain and memory a favor. There is mounting evidence that regular walking benefits the brain health of adults. Now that it's finally starting to warm up and you've got your freezer loaded with Personal Trainer Food, you may be thinking about dragging yourself … [Read more...]
Success! When getting to your goal matters, We support you all the way!
Losing weight can feel like a very lonely and solitary journey. Often it is. If you are like me, the option to lose weight with a friend or family member may not FEEL ideal. So, we go it alone and struggle through the difficult times alone. BUT it does not have to be that way, and you do not have to include your friends and neighbors on your journey if you don’t want … [Read more...]
5 Facts to Settle the Great Egg Debate
With new research coming in every day, the great debate about how healthy eggs are for you is finally coming to an end. The results may surprise you! #1 The Truth About Heart Attacks Contrary to popular belief, there is no link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs can actually prevent blood clots, strokes and … [Read more...]
Kickstart Your Weight Loss with 7 Fat-Burning Activities
Let’s get even more serious about losing pounds and inches with different movements for fat burning. Your weight loss plan has 3 components Eating RightMoving for 20 minutes or 2,000 stepsAvoiding the wrong foods Eating Right! Your Personal Trainer Food meal plan is the perfect way to make sure you eat right and keep meal prep simple. AMP UP Your … [Read more...]
Excited about Spring? Keep your Healthy Habits with You on the Go!
When you’re active, a healthy diet can be taxing to attain. The good news is these three steps will help you easily add Personal Trainer Food snacks to your on-the-go lifestyle. With the approach of spring, we’re thawing out and getting ready to enjoy the fun of warmer weather and outdoor activities, which means you are on the go more. Your You Choose Personal Trainer Food … [Read more...]
How would you answer this? It could change everything.
Are you beautiful? It’s a simple question… But did you just read past that question without answering? Or, did you have to make up some logical conclusion such as “I’m not totally a lost cause, so I guess I might be able to call myself beautiful?” Maybe you just quietly told yourself “no…” This is one of the most important questions you could ask. Why is it so difficult … [Read more...]
Celebrate! Enjoy eating choices that keep you Happy and Healthy!
Whether celebrating with someone special or with your best friends, enjoying a restaurant meal doesn’t mean losing momentum with your eating goals. Enjoying a meal at a restaurant won’t upset your healthy eating plan when using Personal Trainer Food - the PTF plan as an easy pathway to stay on track to achieve your goals. Healthy Combos Your body uses a combination of … [Read more...]
PTF + You = The Biggest Winner
The Biggest Loser. It is the classic fairy tale story of transformation and living happily ever after, and it is fascinating to watch. But former contestant Kai Hibbard is speaking out about the show's troublesome weight loss tactics. For 16 seasons, 700 million viewers a week have been tuning in to root for their favorite "Losers." They do killer exercise routines while … [Read more...]
Calories: are you counting? You need to read this.
The key to your weight loss success with Personal Trainer Food lies in one powerful concept about calories. All calories are NOT created equal. If you drink 1,000 calories of soda, for example, you would spike your blood sugar and skyrocket insulin production — triggering your body to store fat and making you feel even hungrier than before. On the other hand… if you eat a … [Read more...]
Weight Loss Meals: How to Avoid Hidden Sugars so You Can Lose Weight
What if just ONE month from now, you step on the scale to check your weight… …and you’re 20 pounds lighter? What if you’re also experiencing deeper, more restful sleep… abundant energy… and fewer chronic health problems? Yeah, I know. It sounds impossible. After all, you’ve already been trying to eat healthier. You’ve even been exercising. But the weight is not coming off — … [Read more...]
What You CAN Do When The Scale Won’t Budge
Uh-oh, scale won't budge? Let's get it moving again! First, Tell Us-- What's Your Perfect Number? You know, it's the one on the scale that will make you feel sexier, more confident, and happier. The one you fantasize about when you first start out on your weight loss journey. So what is it for you? 125? 140? 175? Whatever your number is, that's great! You CAN get … [Read more...]
How to Lose Weight — and Keep it Off for Good!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food A study published by the American Journal of Public Health says that those who are obese are doomed with a 1% or less chance or getting to a "normal" weight. With soaring obesity rates, this is grim news--that we TOTALLY disagree with! At Personal Trainer Food we believe it IS possible to lose the weight and keep it off. … [Read more...]
Eating right to prevent the afternoon binge
Have you had more than 'just one' Christmas cookie or candy today? It might be time to make over your morning meal, finds a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Here's how you can prevent mindless snacking and weight gain. How High In Protein is Your Breakfast? Researchers from the University of Missouri tested the breakfast habits of 20 overweight … [Read more...]
How NOT to Gain Weight at Holiday Parties
It’s the holiday season and that means you’re going to be surrounded by temptation. Friends, family and work may be throwing parties full of holiday cookies, treats, and fattening food. How can you avoid temptation and keep off unwanted pounds? Here are three tips to NOT gain weight at holiday parties. #1 – Bring a healthy dish to share Guarantee you’ll have something to eat … [Read more...]
15 Holiday Fixes: How to Survive This Time of Year
Chances are, you'll be tempted to make at least one of these common blunders this holiday season. In fact, you might even be making one right now. Here's what to watch out for... #1 Running on coffee so you can eat at the holiday party later. Coffee is awesome, but chain-drinking it so you can "save calories" for later... ...drops your blood sugars too low, setting you up … [Read more...]
The 4 Tricks to LOSE Weight Over the Holidays
The holidays are right around the corner. All that hard work to lose or maintain your weight over the summer tends to go by the wayside during fall and winter. But I have four easy-to-do secrets for how to actually lose weight despite those gut-busting holiday meals. 1. Avoid anything with the word “casserole” Americans will consume around 3,000 calories at the Thanksgiving … [Read more...]
Eggs for Breakfast? What You Need to Know
If you are trying to lose weight, does it really matter what you eat for breakfast? Which will help you burn more fat in the morning: cereal, toast, eggs, or yogurt? Let's put it to the test! Here's your menu, pick one... Breakfast A: two eggs, and some toast with jelly (339 calories). Breakfast B: a bagel with cream cheese along with some yogurt (340 calories). I'll help … [Read more...]
Time To Teach Healthy Habits
The month of September is known for many things. There's International Country Music Day, Butterscotch Pudding day, Punctuation Day, Happy Cat Month, National Honey Month, and National Shake Month just to name a few. But did you also know that September is also officially National Childhood Obesity Month? Childhood obesity is a serious topic. So serious that it deserves an … [Read more...]
6 Steps to Supercharge Your Weight Loss & Drop a Pant Size (or two)!
By Jan Hauser Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food “In order to lose weight, you must count calories and do more exercise.” Wrong! If you have tried doing this, you know it takes forever just to lose a little weight, and the minute you stop starving or exercising yourself to death, the fat comes back with a vengeance. It isn’t in your head! The advice you were following … [Read more...]
Should You Track Your Calorie Counts?
How can you eat fat, ignore calorie counts and still lose weight? Easy! You just have to understand one thing: a calorie is not a calorie. Everyone is crazy about calorie counts and fat and food manufacturers have responded by creating low-fat, low-calorie foods. Does It Really Help to Count? When you go to the grocery store, fat-free foods are everywhere-- even … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Hack to Kill Cravings
Why is it when you start a program, you crave things like cookies, bread, candy, and chocolate --but not broccoli? Believe it or not, your body IS telling you to eat broccoli. You've just got your wires crossed! Let's get this all straightened out so you can kill cravings for good. Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. -- Sun Tzu To … [Read more...]
5 Super Easy Steps to Losing Weight
Exercise more, eat less, count calories, avoid fat, eat whole grains, eat this or that packaged food. That's what conventional diet wisdom has told us in recent years. Who can blame us for being confused, not to mention overweight? So what's the SECRET to LOSING WEIGHT? (Hint: it does not involve a diet). Obesity in our country is reaching epidemic proportions, … [Read more...]
How Many Calories Should You Eat to Lose Fat?
How many calories are in our programs? Good question! It's great that we now have access to information about the foods we eat, like calories, nutrients, and whether it is GMO-free. But has that information really done anything to solve our expanding waistline? FACT: Americans are the most nutritionally educated consumer in the world, and yet we are the most obese country … [Read more...]
15 Foods that Have WAY MORE Sugar than You Think!
Think you're an ace at finding hidden sugar in foods? Ok then-- you over there! Yes you! COME ON DOWNNNNN! You're the next contestant on Personal Trainer Food! Let's put your skill at finding hidden sugar to the test with our fabulous Hi Lo Sugar game! To play, take a look at the foods below and choose the one that has more hidden sugar in it. Ready? GOOOO! Let us know … [Read more...]
Have a Busy Life? Eat Healthier– Without Cooking!
The best way to lose fat and keep it off is to eat real, whole food. And if you want to ensure that you’re getting the freshest, most nourishing ingredients—without hidden sugars, excess salt, or bad fats—you have to cook it yourself. But you're too busy for that! You simply can’t rely on restaurants, because you don’t know what else they add to their dishes. And if … [Read more...]
Guilt-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
During weight loss mode, we encourage you to keep it simple and just stick to meats and vegetables. But if you've reached your goal, we thought you'd enjoy this recipe our CEO Mike makes for our PTF celebrations. You better watch out-- they aren't weighed down with a ton of carbs and sugars so they disappear fast! Personal Trainer Food Ingredients: 12 Personal Trainer Food … [Read more...]
Can Red Wine and Alcohol Help You Lose Fat?
Maybe you've heard that drinking red wine is good for you because it has resveratol in it. And some people are saying that a few glasses of red wine before bedtime will suppress your appetite and help you to lose weight. Now THAT sounds like a dream come true. But should you do it? In this article, we'll talk about alcohol and weight loss! 1. Alcohol is a Fat-Loving … [Read more...]
47 Things You Can Feel Happy About Right Now
Need a break from stress? We feel you. Take a moment to welcome feelings of gratitude-- for the little things. It'll give you a whole new perspective. Go on. Take 5 to remind yourself of the good things in life. Here are 47 of them to get you started... Let's start with our favorite song about rainbows. The smell of a box of crayons. Your favorite '80s song. Summer … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Turn Cheating Into Success
Just one bite... …oops, now the bag is empty! How did THAT happen? You have been so good and making great progress up until now. What do you do next? Is it possible to turn your setback into success? Or have you completely ruined your program and doomed yourself to a life of failure? Eating like this is what was once normal for you. It is what put on the fat in the first … [Read more...]
3 Must-Read Tips to Keep You On Track– the Last One is Powerful!
By Erika Smith Weight Loss Coach, Personal Trainer Food In these current times, one way to help with stress and anxiety you may be experiencing is to focus any potential negative energy on something positive. With everything going on, it is especially important to spend some time each day focusing on yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Whether you are at your health … [Read more...]
What You Should Snack On to Crush Cravings and Lose Weight
French fries, pizza, chocolate, chips, bread, donuts… You may crave any or all of these regularly. And you know how hard it can be to refuse your cravings. If you decide to have just one (or indulge just this one time) is it actually a choice? Science says NO. In fact, according to The Power of Habit, 40% of our daily decisions are not choices but habits! How Do Cravings … [Read more...]
5 Ways You Can Get Ridiculous Energy Levels
Do you feel like taking a nap right now? Are you dreaming about your next cup of coffee? What if you could boost your energy for the long-term without relying on quick fixes? Let's talk about 5 straightforward ways to ditch the coffee and energy drinks and get the energy jump-start you've been waiting for. One: Do this Step by Step Are you reaching for another cup of coffee … [Read more...]
17 Calcium-Rich Foods Better At Burning Fat Than Milk!
Some people are surprised that our Weight Loss Guidelines recommend avoiding milk and most other dairy. That surprise immediately turns into a concern that without milk, they may not be getting enough calcium. This is completely understandable since milk and dairy advertisements leave us with the impression that dairy is the only calcium-rich food out there. But this isn't … [Read more...]
Mind Games: the Mental Part of Weight Loss
That little voice in your head sure has a lot to say. But is it helping or hurting your weight loss goals and live your life to the fullest? Find out which mind game from the 9 below might be holding you back. You'll be surprised! To learn how this works, let's get in the heads of six women who were participating in our Altered! Wedding Weight Loss Challenge to lose weight … [Read more...]
Want to Lose Weight? Stop Dieting!
You had your fun over the holidays — eating and drinking much more than you usually do. And now it’s time to “pay the piper.” But if you really want to lose weight, you have to stop dieting. Yes, you have to somehow shed those extra pounds you gained. So, like millions of other Americans who are in the same boat, you make a New Year’s Resolution and start a diet. But there’s … [Read more...]
Belly Bloat? Get Your Waistline Back Fast!
Did you overdo it and now you're feeling uncomfortable? Need to get rid of bloat fast? Here are 5 easy steps to get rid of bloat, stop the cravings, and lose the excess weight within a few days. Step 1: Get Rid of The Gut Busters Tear a page out of Henry Ford's playbook 'You can have any color so long as it's black.' Only give yourself healthy choices. If you have any of the … [Read more...]
What You CAN Do When The Scale Won’t Budge
If you are like most people, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words 'ketosis' or 'keto-diet,' is ZERO carbs. It might make you want to cry on the inside; life without carbs just sounds so intimidating. But the truth is, keto-happiness can be had at about 30-50 grams of carbs a day-- enough for a wide variety of tasty and healthy foods without going cuckoo … [Read more...]
April Fool’s! Did You Fall for These Pranks?
By Jessica Carlton Sales Director, Personal Trainer Food I remember being a kid, carefully and strategically planning out all the April Fool’s jokes I would play on my friends and family. This one vividly sticks out in my head: I would quietly wake up very early, sneak down the stairs, tip-toe into the kitchen, and tie a rubber band on the handle of the kitchen sink sprayer … [Read more...]
Eat These 2 Foods, Lose More Weight
Are you trying to eat healthy food, lose weight, have more energy, fit into your skinny jeans? Here are two food groups proven to help you lose weight, burn fat and reduce risks to your health. Sadly, most of us don’t eat enough of these foods. So add more of these to your plate and lose more weight. #1 – Eat more vegetables Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or … [Read more...]
4 “Healthy” Holiday Foods That Cause Weight Gain (And Lower Calorie Swaps)
Want to avoid holiday weight gain? Avoid these 4 holiday favorites that look healthy but are surprisingly high in calories. We’ve got some lower calorie swaps to help you LOSE weight during the holiday season. Spinach-artichoke dip So, this dip has spinach and artichoke – two really healthy ingredients. So why is it so bad? Combining these veggies with mayonnaise, sour … [Read more...]
Why Your Diet Fails
In almost every diet, there is a moment…a danger zone…where there’s a real chance your diet will fail. Knowing what that moment is, and what to do, can be the difference between being frustrated and stuck at your current weight, or finally losing the weight and having the body and life you deserve. The moment when most diets fail You’ve been working hard, doing your best to … [Read more...]
4 Habits of People Who Successfully Lose Weight
Why are some people able to lose weight while others are not? In many cases, it comes down to habits. Here are 4 habits that have helped people just like you lose weight (and keep it off). #1 - They exercise when they feel emotional Emotional eating is one of the main reason why people don’t lose weight. Many of us turn to food for comfort when under stress, loading up … [Read more...]
Lose Weight Faster with PTF’s New Fasting Pack
"85% of people who incorporated fasting said it improved their PTF experience/results" Want to speed up your weight loss? Try a 24 to 48 hour fast. Fasting is a great way to jump start your weight loss, curb sugar and carb cravings, and kick your body into fat burning mode. Benefits of fasting Kick stars weight loss Reduces sugar and carb cravings Cleanses the body of … [Read more...]
What is the BEST Day to Start a Diet?
Hi There! Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation? This Monday I am starting my diet,” "After New Year’s, it will begin,” "I am not eating any more red meat,” "I'm going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight." "I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go." In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. … [Read more...]