Chances are, you'll be tempted to make at least one of these common blunders this holiday season. In fact, you might even be making one right now. Here's what to watch out for... #1 Running on coffee so you can eat at the holiday party later. Coffee is awesome, but chain-drinking it so you can "save calories" for later... ...drops your blood sugars too low, setting you up … [Read more...]
Can You Have a Cheat Day and Still Lose Weight?
"Can I have a cheat day?" That's a great question! But what are you really asking? You are asking if you can still have beer, pizza, and ice cream. Or you might be asking if you still party like a rock star on the weekends. Yeah, I get it, you want your slice of birthday cake and a glass of wine with it too. ...and want to still lose weight. Well, unfortunately, … [Read more...]
Eggs for Breakfast? What You Need to Know
If you are trying to lose weight, does it really matter what you eat for breakfast? Which will help you burn more fat in the morning: cereal, toast, eggs, or yogurt? Let's put it to the test! Here's your menu, pick one... Breakfast A: two eggs, and some toast with jelly (339 calories). Breakfast B: a bagel with cream cheese along with some yogurt (340 calories). I'll help … [Read more...]
Don’t Eat Another Steak– Until You Read This!
Are you craving a big juicy steak, full of saturated fat and calories? WAIT! First there are some things you must know prior to heading to the steak house. For one thing, how much weight you'll gain from all those greasy calories. And-- is it even healthy to eat?! Find out what steak really does to your body below. Here's the Breakdown It depends on the cut, but … [Read more...]
15 Foods that Have WAY MORE Sugar than You Think!
Think you're an ace at finding hidden sugar in foods? Ok then-- you over there! Yes you! COME ON DOWNNNNN! You're the next contestant on Personal Trainer Food! Let's put your skill at finding hidden sugar to the test with our fabulous Hi Lo Sugar game! To play, take a look at the foods below and choose the one that has more hidden sugar in it. Ready? GOOOO! Let us know … [Read more...]
Libby’s Personal Trainer Food Success Story
Hi! My name is Libby. I'm 27, and I have a very stressful job. On top of that, I have a few medical conditions that have prevented me from losing weight, no matter how hard I work out at the gym. Needless to say, I was very skeptical that just eating Personal Trainer Food could help. Boy, was I wrong! My Routine Before Personal Trainer Food My diet was pretty clean before I … [Read more...]
Can Red Wine and Alcohol Help You Lose Fat?
Maybe you've heard that drinking red wine is good for you because it has resveratol in it. And some people are saying that a few glasses of red wine before bedtime will suppress your appetite and help you to lose weight. Now THAT sounds like a dream come true. But should you do it? In this article, we'll talk about alcohol and weight loss! 1. Alcohol is a Fat-Loving … [Read more...]
47 Things You Can Feel Happy About Right Now
Need a break from stress? We feel you. Take a moment to welcome feelings of gratitude-- for the little things. It'll give you a whole new perspective. Go on. Take 5 to remind yourself of the good things in life. Here are 47 of them to get you started... Let's start with our favorite song about rainbows. The smell of a box of crayons. Your favorite '80s song. Summer … [Read more...]
Rapid Weight Loss Plan – drop a size in 7 days!
How would you like to tighten up your waistline, and even shed a few extra pounds – in about 7 days? We’ll show you exactly how to do it with this rapid weight loss plan! And the cool part? This strategy designed so you can have a few little indulgences, too! Yup. You can totally rock this. Check it out... First: Is a Rapid Weight Loss Plan Right for You? If you have more … [Read more...]
Victoria’s Success Story: I Lost 49 Pounds!
Victoria is more than a just another Personal Trainer Food success story. In her own words: "I gained self confidence, healthy habits, healthy mind, and more happiness than I can even explain." Here's her #PTFstory-- you can do it too!* Hi! I'm Victoria! I used to eat out a lot. I'd go through a drive through and get the meal with a grilled chicken sandwich, but a large soda … [Read more...]
PTF Success Story: Manny “Torres Strong”
Torres Strong. Take one look at Manny Torres, and you have to agree. But looks can be deceiving. He's a lot stronger than that. Manny has always seen it as his duty to serve and protect. After graduating from basic training in 2004, he was quickly deployed to Afghanistan from 2005 to 2007. Today he serves as a police officer, and is proud father of two beautiful girls. A … [Read more...]
Mind Games: the Mental Part of Weight Loss
That little voice in your head sure has a lot to say. But is it helping or hurting your weight loss goals and live your life to the fullest? Find out which mind game from the 9 below might be holding you back. You'll be surprised! To learn how this works, let's get in the heads of six women who were participating in our Altered! Wedding Weight Loss Challenge to lose weight … [Read more...]
Nutrisystem vs Personal Trainer Food: Review
Are you trying to figure out if a diet meal delivery service that will work for you? You've come to the right place! My name is Jessica, and I love trying different weight loss programs out. I'm happy to give you my honest thoughts about Nutrisystem. And I'll show you how Personal Trainer Food compares, too! You can watch the Facebook Live video I did here, or read the video … [Read more...]
Belly Bloat? Get Your Waistline Back Fast!
Did you overdo it and now you're feeling uncomfortable? Need to get rid of bloat fast? Here are 5 easy steps to get rid of bloat, stop the cravings, and lose the excess weight within a few days. Step 1: Get Rid of The Gut Busters Tear a page out of Henry Ford's playbook 'You can have any color so long as it's black.' Only give yourself healthy choices. If you have any of the … [Read more...]
Weight Loss Meal Delivery: Nutrisystem vs PTF
Eating right is a high priority for you. That’s why you spend so much time thinking about what to eat. And even more time shopping, prepping, cooking, packing, and cleaning up. Wouldn't it be nice to have a healthy meal delivery service do all the work instead? Many people are turning to diet meal delivery services as a solution to this problem. Certainly, the thought of … [Read more...]
Angela Chase Tries Personal Trainer Food
Hi there! I'm Angela Chase. I'm an actress and radio personality for CBS Radio and Jack FM 100.3 in the DFW area. When I'm not on the air, I spend much of my time working on my 1931 home, running, doing yoga, and spending quality-time with my four senior dogs. Any remaining spare time I have is spent advocating for animal welfare; it's my passion. So you can imagine that … [Read more...]
Hugo’s PTF Success Story: 47lbs in 10 weeks
Hello, my name is Hugo. I am 36 years old, and I am from Los Angeles, California. All throughout my childhood I’ve always been really athletic, and really into sports. I played volleyball all my life so I was just used to being that guy who was always in shape. I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. As long as I could work out, I was good. But then I couldn't work out like I … [Read more...]
What You CAN Do When The Scale Won’t Budge
If you are like most people, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words 'ketosis' or 'keto-diet,' is ZERO carbs. It might make you want to cry on the inside; life without carbs just sounds so intimidating. But the truth is, keto-happiness can be had at about 30-50 grams of carbs a day-- enough for a wide variety of tasty and healthy foods without going cuckoo … [Read more...]
Eat These 2 Foods, Lose More Weight
Are you trying to eat healthy food, lose weight, have more energy, fit into your skinny jeans? Here are two food groups proven to help you lose weight, burn fat and reduce risks to your health. Sadly, most of us don’t eat enough of these foods. So add more of these to your plate and lose more weight. #1 – Eat more vegetables Just 1 in 10 adults meet the federal fruit or … [Read more...]
4 “Healthy” Holiday Foods That Cause Weight Gain (And Lower Calorie Swaps)
Want to avoid holiday weight gain? Avoid these 4 holiday favorites that look healthy but are surprisingly high in calories. We’ve got some lower calorie swaps to help you LOSE weight during the holiday season. Spinach-artichoke dip So, this dip has spinach and artichoke – two really healthy ingredients. So why is it so bad? Combining these veggies with mayonnaise, sour … [Read more...]
Which Drinks Help You Lose Weight?
We focus so much on what to EAT to lose weight, we sometimes forget about the beverages we drink. Certain beverages can help boost your metabolism, minimize hunger and make you feel full, all of which can help you fast track your weight loss. Here’s a list of beverages that can help you reach your weight loss goals faster. Green Tea Green tea is considered by many to have … [Read more...]
One thing you do every day that leads to weight gain
What’s one thing you do every single day that has a big effect on your body, leading to weight gain? It’s something most of us have struggled with at some point in our lives. And for many of us, it’s getting worse. The answer is sleep. Or more accurately, not getting enough sleep. And that’s the problem. Why lack of sleep causes you to gain weight Sleep … [Read more...]
Why Your Diet Fails
In almost every diet, there is a moment…a danger zone…where there’s a real chance your diet will fail. Knowing what that moment is, and what to do, can be the difference between being frustrated and stuck at your current weight, or finally losing the weight and having the body and life you deserve. The moment when most diets fail You’ve been working hard, doing your best to … [Read more...]
4 Habits of People Who Successfully Lose Weight
Why are some people able to lose weight while others are not? In many cases, it comes down to habits. Here are 4 habits that have helped people just like you lose weight (and keep it off). #1 - They exercise when they feel emotional Emotional eating is one of the main reason why people don’t lose weight. Many of us turn to food for comfort when under stress, loading up … [Read more...]
What is the BEST Day to Start a Diet?
Hi There! Have you ever said these things to yourself for diet motivation? This Monday I am starting my diet,” "After New Year’s, it will begin,” "I am not eating any more red meat,” "I'm going to run a marathon to finally lose this weight." "I bought a membership to a gym to force myself to go." In saying these things, we believe that we will miraculously change at midnight. … [Read more...]
Dressing Room Work Out
Exercise clothes cost a fortune these days. So before you buy, it pays to know if your trendy new outfit is 'workout friendly.' ...because nothing can steal your confidence and focus faster than having pants that ride down, or shirts that expose everything at the wrong time. Here are 4 essential moves you can do in the dressing room to prevent wardrobe malfunctions at the … [Read more...]
What to Eat and How to Exercise to Look Like an Angel
If you've ever watched a Victoria's Secret fashion show, you have probably wondered how the Angels get those amazing bodies. What do they eat? How do they exercise? What could you do to be more like one? Here's your guide to becoming your own angel. How Do You Get a Body Like a VS Angel? There's no argument-- these women's genetics have much to do with their lean, lanky … [Read more...]
VS Angel Diet: What You REALLY Need to Know!
Do Victoria's Secret Angels eat? ...or do they exist on a diet of enchanted feathers and pixie dust? It turns out, they do eat-- wickedly smart diets to get their runway look. Here are their actual menus along with some strategies you can use to look like an Angel, too! Alessandra Ambrosio: Lost the Baby Fat What jumps out from her menu are the high-fat eggs (even eggs … [Read more...]
Want Sexy Flat Abs? Here’s How!
Do you FINALLY want to see the flat abs and firm mid-section you desire? We have the low-down on how you can get tight, sexy abs and lean, toned legs without killing yourself in the gym. And the best part: you can do all of these in just a few minutes a day! These are the easiest and scientifically proven ways to activate your core and burn more fat-- as you do your … [Read more...]
Halloween Candy: 12 Fun Ideas for a Healthier Holiday
This year, consumers are expected to spend 2.7 billion... that's BILLION with a 'B' on Halloween candy. That means your trick-or-treater will be dragging home 3500-7000 calories worth of treats. But with 1 in 3 of American kids are overweight today, they really don't need all that sugar. Nor do you need to have that kind of temptation lurking around, just waiting for the … [Read more...]
Hurricane Harvey: We Stand Together
As Hurricane Harvey wreaks havoc in Texas and prepares to hit Louisiana, we wanted to offer a note of support. We pray that all of you, your loved ones, and your dear animals make it to safety. To those facing the loss of their belongings, homes, and communities, we stand with you. Know this: the rain will stop and the sun will shine bright again. For now, please stay safe; … [Read more...]
The Cookie Diet Review: Worth a Try?
So you want to lose weight without giving up all your favorite things. That's why you're considering the “Cookie Diet.” America loses it's mind: WEIGHT LOSS COOKIES? YES PLEASE! Really, who doesn't like a good cookie? But the question is, will it actually work? The most popular cookie diets are the Hollywood Cookie Diet, Smart for Life diet, and Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet. … [Read more...]
11 Absolutely Fun (and FREE) Exercise Apps You Need to Know About
Let's face it, there are times when it gets hard to stay on track. That's why we've rounded up and tested 11 different walking apps that will rock your exercise routine. And the best part is you won't need an expensive wearable fitness device. Grab your phone and get these apps now! Here's how to track your steps, find fresh workout music, discover new things, and meet fun … [Read more...]
Transformation: We Can’t Show You On Facebook
After just 8 weeks of Personal Trainer Food, Avelino made an amazing weight loss transformation. He lost a shocking amount-- over 50 pounds. That's more than 20% of his starting body weight. But something happened when we tried to share his weight loss transformation on Facebook: we were blocked! You be the judge. Is Avelino's transformation story too much for social media? … [Read more...]
Ready to Lose Some Weight? Read This…
Welcome to Personal Trainer Food I'm so glad you're here! You're in the right place if you want to start losing weight, and keep it off forever. I've got a lot of great information to share with you. I'm excited to give you even more weight loss tips, recipes, and advice-- for free. You'll feel better, look better, and gain more confidence as you take control of your weight … [Read more...]
10 Brilliant Things You Can Do to Look Younger Now
Is it possible to reverse the signs of aging so you can look younger and feel younger too? Learn about healthy aging and what you can actually do to look younger right now...even if you are in your 30's, 40's, 50's (or more). 1. #1 Way to Look Younger: Cut Sugar Let's face it, our bodies are not designed to handle the massive amount of sugar in today's foods. Even if you … [Read more...]
In March of 2012 Josh Steele weighed almost 600 pounds and desperately wanted to lose weight. He thought it was his lucky day when he was flown to LA to audition for Season 3 of Extreme Weight Loss challenge. But he didn't make the cut and was told to GO HOME. He was crushed. But instead of feeding into those feelings, he made a choice. And took one step... ...after … [Read more...]
Your Hollywood Diet Guide: Insider’s Scoop!
Have you ever wondered what celebrities really do to lose weight and maintain camera-ready physiques? While you might not be able to work out five hours a day (p.s. you don't have to!), you can take a page out of their playbook to see what you need to do to lose weight and feel great. Here's your insider's guide to getting red-carpet ready from 9 A-list celebs who know all … [Read more...]